Should I be worried

I am so worried. If its been developing for this long now, it could possibly be deadly. I sure hope she went to the ER. :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

I’m not trying to be a negative Nancy, just realistic. Just in case anyone thought I was trying to be mean or rude. I’m genuinely concerned.


I didn’t think that at all nor will anyone else. I too am very, very worried for her. It may be that if infected that had only happened recently but it doesn’t take long at all to do you done real, life threatening harm. I know somebody that was at deaths door twice from this exact thing. :frowning::frowning:


Oh I wasn’t pointing that at you lol. Just wanted to point it out so people didn’t think I was over reacting or being mean. I know people here are very loving and caring and truly concerned. I sure hope she went. :heart:

I didn’t think you did Hun I just took the opportunity to illustrate that it hasn’t gone across in that manner.
I hope so too :slightly_smiling_face:


I have to go to bed. I have to dog sit tomorrow, go to my son’s basketball game and LSU plays tomorrow. I will be checking back in!!!


Praying for you @MichelleBravo93! Gods got this and you’ll be alright if you go get checked out. :yellow_heart:

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There is enough good advice given. I hope you have listen to it and are in good care now.
I hope you feel better soon :heart:


If you insist on not going to the hospital, at least have someone around to call 9-1-1 for when you go in to septic shock.


If you’re scared of what it may be, then you are not scared of the hospital. They can tell you what it is and help make it go away if needed.

No more staring. Go. Get answers. Get treated. Get better.


I know it’s scary to go. But think of the alternatives. This is no joke. Likely antibiotics needed. The sooner you go, the better it is. My dad died recently just over a month ago of essentially sepsis, due to an ignored kidney infection. He could be alive if he’d gone to get checked out. That sounds scary, and a different condition all together, but infections are NO JOKE. Use your fear as motivation to go. It doesn’t matter how long ago this all started. We care and want you better.


How are you today? Have you gone to the doctor? You asked if you should be worried, everyone says YES!! Please answer us!!!

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I will be going soon. Thanks everyone. I’ll keep y’all posted :heart:


Thank you!! Please do :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:


I got a really bad burn once from wax.
When the wax hit my arm, it scalded and of course I had to remove the wax…and therefore the skin went with it.
So then I just had this nasty open wound I thought I could treat on my own. Within 4 to 5 days, it was looking pretty bad despite all my best efforts and I was starting to feel sick.
I would get the chills and nausea.
So I go to the doctor and he tells me I was maybe a day from having septic shock which can be fatal.

Now here’s the part that should make you feel a bit better.
He gives me antibiotics and and ointment and there is a massive improvement in my health within a day. Dramatic improvement in the wound within 48hrs.
Do not be afraid to go to the doctor.
Whatever they give you is going to help!


Yes!!! Thank you soo much!!!

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Soon, as in today? I’m nagging you, girl… with good intentions and concern lol. Please keep us posted


Ditto!!! I’m going to nag away as well!!!


Any updates? It’s been 8 hours since you said you were going soon…


I am legitimately concerned for OP. I really hope she went.


Same :sweat: Hopefully she went to hospital/urgent care and is getting treatment