Should I be worried

I am concerned as well. I have had a MRSA infection and it is No joke. I hope the OP goes to the emergency room and gets some IV antibiotics.


“you should get it loved asap”. Is an amazing recommendation!


I am pretty sure auto correct did that and the poster meant “looked at”.


I prefer your version!


I did not mean to sound sarcastic. I truly think it is a nice mistake. It does sound like an amazing recommendation.


Hope you went and got that looked at.

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Hey @MichelleBravo93 another check in to ask how you are doing?

I hope I’m not too late to say please don’t use this as a reason to use. I know you’re scared but numbing the pain and anxiety doesn’t make the problem go away. What will fix it is medical attention.

Hopefully you have been to the hospital and all sorted… But if not it’s time to get your big girl pants on and face this. That doesn’t mean you have to do this alone, as you can see on this thread there are loads of us here that have your back!

Keep checking in and let us know how you’re getting on :pray::sparkling_heart:


Get to the doctor’s asap ,this is no time to be proud,my friend had a blood clot in his groin from IV and it travelled to his brain,he was in intensive care for months instead coma,he’s come back around but he’s not the same person anymore his brain was affected .I’m not trying to scare you I’m just being honest go to the hospital today walk INTO A AND E…be safe and try to seek help whist your there .

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Any update? Still super worried about you!!! Please let us know if you went to the doctor!!!

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Ok it has been 3 days. No update as to if you actually got up and went to the doctor. Or maybe silence means you did go? Everyone has their phones. You have yours. Please respond to us bc this is a life or death matter and you have all of us super worried.


Yes please let us know what’s going on. There are a good few of us here that are very concerned for you @MichelleBravo93 . I would have thought that you would come on and let us know how it went at the hospital


I’ve been reading your thread for 3 days @MichelleBravo93 and praying for you to get help. Please give us an update.


I hope you went to the doctors and aren’t dead right now. It’s been over 24 hours since you posted. Please don’t be dead from an easily treatable infection


@MichelleBravo93 just checking in to let you know I join the others in being concerned for you. Really hope you went to the doctor and are getting help.


Worried and curious it sounds awful doesn’t it.


Please let us know what’s going on love.


Yes…an abcess or some other deep tissue infection. You need to go to the doctor now, because you are at great risk of septicemia. Like right now. Not tomorrow or Wednesday. Now.

People die from it, because they ignore it for too long.

Had a friend in OCS, got an abcess in his foot. Didn’t want to have is one day pass canceled if they found something wrong. Waited until Monday. It got so bad he almost lost his foot, and needless to say, he got dropped from the program.

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I sure hope she’s not responding bc she’s been admitted into the hospital.


Two vulnerable people seem to have gone Mia from their threads today with plenty of members worried for their welfare.
This is the aspect of this place that I seem to struggle with.
The serenity prayer springs to mind. :frowning::slightly_smiling_face:


Doctors are there to help. Please accept that they will help you. They are not there to judge. They are there to treat you. accept that they joined the profession to help you and not to judge you. Visit the er or call as ambulance now if you need it bc it is a call for help … If you called for judgement then you came to the wrong place