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Just got home. I’m not impressed.

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That was impressive. Special teams can win game. But I don’t think your whole game can be special teams. But I didn’t go to football school.


They got our hopes up now baby.

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I don’t like being a packers fan but I can’t stand the Cowboys.
Go Cheese!:cheese:

Interesting matchup this afternoon @Dan531 I hope you get to watch it. Think I’m going for the Rams, sorry buddy. I really like pulling for the Lions though. I hope it’s a good game anyway.


It’s gonna be great. Our window will really open next year and the year after so I don’t expect much this post season. I would love to beat the Rams though. They’re the only team besides the 49ers I really didn’t wanna play. Everyone else is very beatable


Go kitties!! My husband is watching at home while I’m at work but I am wearing a Barry Sanders jersey in my soul. I’m rooting for you guys.


I’m a huge pack fan today obviously. :cheese:
I’m also gonna be pulling for Detroit tonight, I really like that coach and the culture he’s building. I kinda thought the eagles were gonna build that culture, but the wheels seem to have a come off. We’ll see


Are you guys even still in it :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I’m seriously not sure. You were doing so good.

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Yeah for about another 28 hours. :rofl:. By 11pm eastern time tomorrow I’ll be taking my flag down till next year. :person_shrugging:

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It’s okay though I have a Phillies flag, and two red light bulbs all ready to go. :v:

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Playing taps for your flag.

You guys were red hot for a while.
I’ll be pulling for youz tomorrow. :eagle:

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Loving this game!!
If the boys can just hold on a loose one more quarter my season will be not so bad. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
You got to be loving this game too.

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I am. One of my guys in work is a huge shit talking cowboys fan. It’s gonna be a very long day for him tomorrow. :grin:


They made it interesting at the end.
I sure hate enjoying someone’s loss so much. But fu@$k those boys :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


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Looks like we’re the number 2 seed after all… The universe corrected itself :rofl:


It was a great game. Detroits a feisty bunch. I give them that

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Love this :joy::joy::joy:

Only caught the 4 quarter of this one. Looked like a good game. Congratulations to your Lions. Great win!!

Is it wrong for me to be more excited about this though? @Jasty2 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: