Sober Saturdays & Sundays

Happy weekend to you!
Sorry your plans got rescheduled. Hopefully you wont get pumped up with energy if you workout now (nightly work outs are like straight caffeine for me :rofl:)
Was another busy long day for ne - this weeks literally kicked my ass. I am super tired and my body aches - i just finished washing bed sheets and crawled into a warm bed. Body is exhausted but mind isnt so scrolling through threads here.
Tomorrow i get to see the butterfly exhibit at Fredrick Meyer Gardens (about 2 hours away) - making it a family trip with my siblings and parent’s to celebrate my 4 months af.
Hope you have a great Sunday planned :blush:


Oh that sounds like a lovely celebration


Happy Saturday evening everyone! Today has been okay. Nothing too exciting lol Worked, came home to do the usual tasks of washing dishes n making supper. Gave my son a bath and played like 7 games of Uno with him (its probably his fav card game). Now just relaxing until bed. Anyone have plans for tomorrow?


When I woke up the sun was shining and I thought about getting on my bike. Guess.
It’s windy, cloudy, it got darker and it looks like it’s raining any minute.
Hm. Fine.


It’s raining here too. But I’m in work all day so no bike today. Hopefully the sun comes back out for ya


Continuing the discussion from 2023 Roll Call – Introduce yourself!:

Hi for 2023 i am Anna, alkoholic and nearly 5 weeks sober.
Out for a lovely walk as no time for gym today with kids filling the house this weekend, then back home for a rib & spocy wing dinner.
Happy sunday


Still trying. Still learning.

One day at a time :muscle::no_entry_sign::beer:

I hope everyone is doing well. What’s everyone’s plans for the weekend?


Happy weekend! It’s my anniversary weekend with my husband so we are sprinkling in fun activities to do together alcohol free! This morning a trip to the farm stand or even the farmer’s market depending on weather. We might be getting some rain showers today. A trip to Target for some fun shopping as well as the mundane stocking up on things type. Then preparing for a grill out later, rain or shine! We have a pop up shade tent in case it does get wet. More time cooking together tomorrow with a big salmon filet on the menu. This weekend is about spending time together and I am really looking forward to it. Rain or not! :heartpulse:


I’m so happy for you and your plans sound wonderful! Have a good time :hugs:


I have a lazy saturday on the couch with cats, books, tea and chatting with friends on the phone. The candles are burning, the weather is wet and grey, the perfect day to stay inside and enjoy the day.


I do loooooove days like that! If I didn’t have plans that is what I would be doing right now! Sans cats unfortunately. But my fur kid sometimes snuggles with me.


Give Miss Lupe a big cuddle from me :hugs:

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It’s Mother’s Day in America tomorrow, which is always a very hard day for me and many others. Sending a huge virtual hug to those who need it and praying for sobriety and peace. Stay strong sober friends :kiss::crown:


Sounds like a lovely qeekend hope you enjoyed it. And what you call mundane i call my fav kind of shopping :yum: food/bits style shop instead of clothes shop all the way hihi


I agree with you! I love shopping for needs versus mindless shopping or buying things I don’t really need. But I did buy a floor steamer I only “sorta” need lol!


Still practical shopping though hihi. My weakness are candles but even those get used up and thrown away so i cant class it as clutter :blush::+1:


I love it! Great attitude.

Friday night stayed sober, it’s now Saturday night, going to bed sober and waking up sober, just got to get through Sunday and Monday!! Keep pushing through the weekend!!!


Way to go! ODAAT. :muscle:


You are doing great!!! Such an amazing feeling to add on another sober day!
Keep up the hard work :muscle: :clap: