Sober Selfies #17 (shirts required, please review rules)

A huge congratulations! 3 days is awesome :+1:t3:


Throwback Thursday NAMM 2016 :sunglasses::metal:t2:



That’s amazing news! I’m so pleased that it all went so well :sparkling_heart:

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Hangin out at work with John McClane at my desk welcome to the party for one year sober!


Congrats Eric! Thanks for all you do here so happy for your milestone!

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Happy New Year! Love the shirt!

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Lovely to meet you Jake – a huge congrats on the 1 year – WELCOME TO THE PARTY!! :tada: :clap:


I’m not a huge selfie guy lol but it’s a special occasion so I figured I would show myself in all my long haired scruffy glory :joy:


Just catching all these wonderful Christmas outfits lol they’re awesome makes me wish we could just have Christmas all year long!

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Rooting for Michigan in the finals! Should be a good game with Washington :slightly_smiling_face: I wanted to go to school at UMich but I wasn’t cool enough to get accepted back in the day lol

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Congratulations on your year milestone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x

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Glad you did a sober 1 year selfie – a way to mark your accomplishment!

Thanks - fingers crossed that Michigan pulls through - super exciting!


Thank you :blush: Congrats on your one year!

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Thank you! I look forward to celebrating yours this coming year! :heart:

I think they’ve got it! They have a great running back that bulldozes through everything and they seem pretty tight knit and focused!

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If it wasn’t so expensive I think I would be into cosplay. I love dressing up.

Happy year soberversary :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


I’ve never really done cos play but I enjoy dressing up especially at Halloween still lol life’s too short to not have some fun!

Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Here’s a few from halloween before last where I won the costume contest at work dressed as Eazy E my music taste is all over the place I love my country music but I enjoy classic hip hop too lol


Good to hear that you can rest a bit Joe.
Enjoy your days off :wave:

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Massive congratulations on your one year milestone whoot whoot :tada::balloon::partying_face: That’s awesome and great to see you Jake.
Let’s celebrate together :confetti_ball:

giphy (13)

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