Sober Selfies #17 (shirts required, please review rules)

Day 485 of sobriety. Seeing a happy horizon and future without alcohol. A new year of freedom.

Happy 24 hours, one day at a time.


Thank you! Happy to be sharing this day with you and everyone else!


Massive congratulations on one year Jake! Yipee ki yay! :sunglasses::muscle::sparkles::sparkling_heart:


485 days is amazing! Congratulations to you, have a wonderful New Year sober. One day at a time :sunglasses::sparkles::sparkling_heart:

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Lucky! Always wanted to go to a NAMM show.

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Thank you :blush: canā€™t wait to celebrate yours! At least yours is in a warm month, itā€™s so cold in Vegas right now for us I just want to curl up under a warm blanket! I just walked in from baseball practice and everything is numb :joy:

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Really enjoyed today! Fatigue was minimal, and I stayed up later than usual. Went to the mall with my close lifetime friend and we took turns wheeling around my sister. Then my sister asked our friend to be the final bridesmaid for her wedding! Woohoo!


Look at all those smiles! Must have been a good day indeed :blush:


116 days alcohol-free, lately moving thru lots of old stories in my head about unworthiness, itā€™s been super awkward and uncomfortable but my sobriety is helping me stay tuned into the clear rational voice that comforts me with the reminder that i am worthy and capable. so grateful to sobriety for making it possible for me to grow!! :seedling::seedling::seedling:


I love this voice ā€“ so true cause you are worthy and capable!! much love Julia :heart:


thank you love :sparkling_heart: so much love to you too :smiling_face::sparkling_heart:

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Thanks for saying! Youā€™ll need to thaw out!! Itā€™s cold here too in the UK, I always put my heated electric blanket on for a bit to warm up my bed before I get in #supertoastyšŸ¤—


Dark and serious!! Ha ha.

Back in the 80ā€™s I did a degree in Fine Art. Sculpture to be precise. Iā€™ve kept taking photos over the years but let my drawing go. I just felt the pressure of doing things you could sell, or make a living from some way too great. Today that changes. Iā€™m starting work on my first new piece in decades.


This is exciting Brian. Do share with us your lovely creations.


Always great seeing you Julia :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Donā€™t ever stop listening to this voice.
You are a wonderful and strong and powerful lady whoā€™s worth the best living and capable of managing life at lifeā€™s terms.
Iā€™m proud of you :pray:


Thatā€™s really exciting Brian, looking forward to see your Artwork. Enjoy your work :+1:



Fainted at the bathroom yesterday morning, fell down the tiled floor and cut my upper lip and hit my nose hard too. Needed to go to hospital where the lip had to get stitched. It probably was only due to low blood pressure but it was shocking still.
Funny thing is I never got a bruise when drinking but on my day 159 I collapsed.
Iā€™m fine now. Glad nothing worth happened.
And happy being sober and donā€™t tread my body with poison anymore.


Me and my daughter! One of the biggest reasons I stopped drinking and using! She deserves a healthy and happy dad!


@Brian1965uk cool picture. Really good to hear you are getting back in to drawing. My drawing has also dropped off and I feel inspired to pick it up again after reading your post :heart:
@happyfeet Anne !!! So sorry that youā€™ve experienced this. Iā€™m sure it was a shock. Hope youā€™re okay and getting some rest / indulging in some self care :heart:
@Brett90 gorgeous picture of you both :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Oh Anne Iā€™m sorry loveā€¦that must have been scary.
Glad you are okay now. :people_hugging:

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