Sober Selfies #17 (shirts required, please review rules)

Both hands on the wheel, sir. :grin:


Apparently itā€™s hot mess express Tuesdayā€¦ I cannot get my life togetherā€¦ itā€™s fine, Iā€™m fine, everythingā€™s fine #PullItTogetherGirl


I tried to muster a smile and I thought about not posting this but I am because not everyday is rainbows and butterflies. Feeling the feelings sucks but is a part of life. I have been feeling very depressed this past week. Mostly because Iā€™m missing out on my running endorphins and the joy I find from completing a run. The doctor diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis and Iā€™m waiting for my appt with my PT (not till Feb 15th). I tried for a run yesterday and afterwards and today Iā€™m just hurting. I know this is temporary as is most things in life but I still feel sad.
2 years 4 months and 12 days AF
5 months and 28 days weed free


HIā€¦ Not the best. Lots of things happeningā€¦ Staying sober


Howd your day turn out?

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even through all that i still see a smile Jennifer ā€“ i am so sorry love. I do hope that you heal up quickly. I do know how much running means to you for your physical and mental health.

Amazing timers!! see you are almost at 1/2 a year of weed free :clap: :muscle:


Iā€™d say I pulled it all together by lunch time lol so much better thanks for asking :heart_hands:




That is one of the most painful things ever. Iā€™m so sorry Jen. Hopefully they can get you an orthotic. Sometimes Iā€™ve even gotten a cortisone shot to relieve the pain. Big needle. But so worth it.
Iā€™m so sorry :cry:


My gp is sending me to PT to see if we can get it worked out there and if that doesnā€™t work then I have to get a x-ray and go to a podiatrist. :cry: Iā€™ve worked out and ran through all different soreness and pain but this one takes the cake.

Thanks Jaz :heart: I hope so as well


Im so sorry you are in pain and missing your runs. Try to be patient with yourself and kind @Runningfree


149 days off booze - so much blossomed in these last 7 days itā€™s crazy!! i played two successful shows in town with my band (our first public performances!); i shared two brand new solo songs/videos on my IG - (writing/producing/posting for the first time since before my son was born!); AND: i got a job! as a piano & guitar & production instructor at an awesome music academy near where I live. none of these beautiful gifts would have been able to appear in my experience if i was still drinking. now that iā€™m established in sobriety iā€™m building the next level of the foundation for me and my son. itā€™s very rewarding. sober life for the win!! :heart_on_fire::metal:t4:


Now thatā€™s some tassel action


Awesome news Julia! Congratulations! :confetti_ball:
The only way is up :arrow_up: And you are traveling with a :rocket:


Wow!!! @JuliaLuna
You do look like a star!! We all have known here that you were a star, we just didnā€™t know it also included music! Well, a little idea when you set up your equipment!
You look awesome and sooo happy! Best wishes to you as you continue to go forward!

Sorry @Runningfree ā€¦ is very much a drag for you. I got that once wearing a new pair of shoes on a big hike. It hurt so bad. Had it for awhile and then it went away. No residual effects thank goodness.


That is phenomenal. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re reaping the rewards of all your hard work. :love_you_gesture:


Dang! Such amazing things happening for you. So very happy for you girl
You have an amazing talent. Just listened to some tunes on IG. Looking amazing and at peace in this picture.
Oh I love all the magnificent life that sobriety is allowing for you. Keep going strong my friend :people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::muscle:t4:


Jen Iā€™m so so sorry for you. Thing that you are not able to run for some time sucks big time. I can totally understand why you feeling depressed. I know itā€™s not the same but maybe give the pool a chance. Or bike. I also donā€™t like when there is lot of ppl in the pool but I used to swim in the morning and it was super chill. Only older ppl minding theirs own business.
I hope you gonna find some r charge you replacement that will charge you up with endorphins. And soon you gonna run again :running_woman:t2:

Edit (forgot to add): i love the photo :heart_eyes:


You look so at peace in this picture. The joy folks with your talents give to the rest of us is amazing. I love listening to people play and do what they love :heart:


Figured Iā€™d give a first day at the new job selfie