Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

You’ve been getting better at getting better for 500 days? It shows!

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Soooo happy for you, well done :pray::tada::sparkles::balloon::sparkler::fireworks::grin:

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Super proud of you! Congrats :blush:

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Fantastic achievement , very well done from Lockdown London :uk: !

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Thank you @RunnerBean :heart: I hope your staying healthy!


You’re very welcome ! So much gloom and doom around at the moment therefore great to hear such positivity - have a fab day wherever you are in the world :earth_americas: !

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Because some days you have to put on some glitter, straighten your tiara, and shine! 70 days today!!!


Gotta show Battlestar Galactica some love.


Me finding a safety issue a little overkill on the orange cones. :rofl:


Yo! That’s so amazing! And you’ve stayed sober through so much change and uncertainty. Well done, my friend. You are truly the hero of your own story. :heart:


Today is day 117! Saturday will be 4 months! It hasn’t been easy but SO worth it. I’m forever grateful for God,the NA program and all of you keeping me on track when I started this journey! I just want you all to know how worth it you are! :yellow_heart:


Awesome job! It’s always a joy to see other members beating back their addiction. Keep it going, you’re :muscle:

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Nice to see you checking in. I am so happy for ya.
I hope you have a really nice Merry Christmas.
Keep up the great work.
Blessings to ya.


Good job. happy to see your post Mychelle, keep up the great work

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Congratulations on your 70 days. I hope you got last nights issue worked out.

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Thank you! :muscle:

Thank you! It’s always amazing to see people who understand rooting for you! Merry Christmas to you as well!!

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Thank youuuuuu!!

This is fabulous! Teaching children meditation and mindfulness is incredible.

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You’re so beautiful :hugs::heart:

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