Sober selfies

We do have an issue…should I serve ribs or pulled pork during my Cubs World Series party?? :thinking: And what should @MandiH wear to it royal blue or pin stripes?? :thinking::thinking:

Now Mandy’s friends’ hubby… yikes! :sweat:

My gramma would say pinstripes! Lol. I vote both for food! Yum!

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Serve both. Might as well celebrate since the odds of the Cubs winning another in your lifetime are pretty low. Might as well make the most of it. I understand. I grew up a Boston fan. Long wait for that curse to be broken. Now I’m all about the Nats. Still a young club franchise. They’ll get their series soon enough.


Being from Iowa, I’ve always been a cubs fan, but now I get to add the Mariners to my fandom. Gotta support the home team!


Is it Friday yet? My customers…so dadgum needy. We have a whole customer service department just waiting to help you. Why do you come to me for every nitnoid issue and expect me to stop the spinning of the earth to take care of it. All I do is call customer service…the same one you could call.


Thats when u 3way the call and mute ur end …:wink:

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Im just over here giggling because you really do have the same look as my @Yomomma! When you get that look, you better run fast!!


I’m still waiting for the M’s to get together a good team that will make it through mid season. They always kill it until mid season, when they take a belly flop and start sucking.

So jealous you’re moving to Washington. I adore the pacific northwest.

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They’ve looked great this year!

I am primarily a Blue Jays fan (talk about consistent mediocrity, save a few seasons), but I also keep up with the M’s and the White Sox, the other two teams I like watching.

Born and raised in Massachusetts. Go figure :sweat_smile:

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Let go Nats! Hopefully we can get everyone healthy and make a push for the playoffs.


Heresy…you are heretofor banned from Yawkey Way.

So proud of you :grinning::open_hands::muscle::metal::vulcan_salute:🤸

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I reckon this is not the time to also state I am a fan of the Raiders and Maple Leafs. I actually have a Raiders tattoo that takes up half my forearm, got it in 2011. I should probably not be allowed in the city altogether.

I do like the Celtics and Revs, and I don’t actively dislike any Boston teams, except the Bruins. Hate them.

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The Bean Town Inquisitor is coming for you, to cleanse you with fire and water. Of course, you won’t survive the cleansing, but at least your Massoul will be in a state of grace.

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Let me guess…I can recognize the Inquisitor based on his DD iced coffee, pack 'a Newports, grimey old Trot Nixon t-shirt, and referring to me as “kehd”?


That’s about right. Steer clear of Cumberland Farms and Stop & Shop stores.

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I see them way back there.

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Cows! :cow2::cow2::water_buffalo::ox:


This is most excellent news. Enjoying things sober is what being sober is all about, otherwise why bother. Glad you had a kick ass time and the support you want.

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