Sober selfies

Thank you!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Woooow time fliesā€¦happy birthday and congratulations!!! I always love hearing from you on hereā€¦your sober time is inspirational :heart:

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That is great! May I ask what you notice the most about your food choices and how it changes affects mood? I fell off the wagon a few months ago and havenā€™t been on here much. Work is going exceptionally well and I want to keep it going. The only time(s) I have had extended lengths of success was when, instead of focusing on not drinking, I focused on eating, calories, and exercise. Sugar kills my creativity, bread makes me feel bloated all the time and alcohol, well, that fills in all of the other holes of depreciation. When I cut out the first two the third always follows naturally. Good job and keep up the good work!

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Standard procedure :slight_smile:


so this appā€¦ this is apparently what Iā€™ll look like in 30 to 40 years. It did some weird stuff to my hand too. Iā€™ve seen too much


Ha ha ha, I was like wtf Seanā€™s been using a REAL old pic for his avi :sweat_smile::smile::smile:

Want to know a personā€™s age? Look at the hands, itā€™s the first part that ages. Hate it

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Oh gosh I hate it too, my hands have looked like Iā€™ve spent 20 years working in the field, since I was 18.


I agree. Years upon years of guard duty, endless hours in the sun with no access to sunscreen really did a number on my face, neck and hands.

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Yeah, Iā€™m pretty oldā€¦


Thatā€™s pretty similar to what mine look like tbh

@Wunderbar Chad Iā€™m sure! An unusual place I notice it a lot is the tops of my ears as well. My dermatologist even told me to wear more sunscreen there.


Lol, yeah I guess similiar, except for the skin and musclesā€¦and tan, yeah mine definately need more sun. But other than thatā€¦no differenceā€¦:wink::grin:


@Lionfish You must never take your watch off either. Me not tanning and just getting more freckles donā€™t help at all.


Thank you! My cravings (for sweets and simple carbs) go WAY down when Iā€™m eating less processed and more whole foods. Itā€™s the biggest thing I notice with my moodā€¦ Plus I actually feel satisfied (happy) with my meals, which I really never get eating high calorie/high saturated fat/high sugar/high sodium foods.

I got really into in when I was younger and I would feel terrible eating heavily processed food and I thought it was all in my mind. But I feel now itā€™s a combination of body and mind getting altered in a positive way. It just actually makes me feel like shit eating food that has no nutrients.

Oh, another great thing is my energy levels are steadily rising. My lethargic slumps mid day are dissipating.

And to touch on creativity, I totally feel you on this one. I really wouldnā€™t think eating mindfully would have affect on my creativity, but my mind feels sharper and my thoughts are more positive. Plus eating a wider variety of foods has helped that so much more.

Sorry for the novel lol should have just suggested to read the book lol


Yes hardly ever take it off, especially not during the day! Doesnā€™t create the best tan line lol

Your humor is the best :star_struck:

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When your dog is completely and utterly terrified of balloons so you have to enjoy your sober balloons in the closetā€¦ :woman_shrugging::partying_face::joy:


That sucks. My dog gets the zoomies when she sees balloons


Thank you very much, sometimes it falls short, but I try to provide some smilesā€¦


Whatever you do, dont turn on any ceiling fansā€¦ your dog will never be the sameā€¦