Sober selfies

American Football.

New England Patriots :+1::kissing_heart:


Only almost 4 stays soberā€¦but at it


Yours fits and looks better!!! :+1::joy:

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Why do you have Bruce Springsteens dog? :joy:


Love it. Beautiful Cate :heart_eyes:


Iā€™m from the south shore! I definitely miss NE seafood!

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I grew up in Boston

Plymouth and Sagamore beach before I moved here but also all the cow towns growing up. Halifax, Hanson, Whitman are a few. My sis and mom are in Marshfield now.

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Please tell me your a Pats fanā€¦

ā€¦ donā€™t respond if youā€™re not. Iā€™ll convince myself that youā€™re really busy and just didnā€™t see this. :cry::joy:

Thatā€™s my neck of the woods. I was raised closer to the city, but have been on the south shore for 10+ years.

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I got drunk and ended up wandering around Dorchester one night.


I love Plymouthā€¦! Have to go there whenever I visit. You ever been to Mama Mias restaurant?

Tough people up there!:smile:

Everyone just left me alone lol

Done that a few times myself.

The scariest time like that though was when I passed out/blacked out on the last train of the night and woke up in Mattapan. I donā€™t remember much but I remember stumbling around the station and two unsavory characters began harassing me, getting very aggressive. It was very late at night, not many people around, highly dangerous area.

An MBTA worker came out of nowhere and shooed the guys off, she saved my ass and got me into a cab home. I have a picture of her in my mind, she looked kind of like Harriet Winslow from ā€œFamily Mattersā€.

Iā€™m not sure what I believe in, faith wise, but that woman was an absolute guardian angel. Wish I had managed to get her name.


No, but ive heard of it!

Yes, I am a Patā€™s fan, inasmuch as I care about football.


YES!!! Everything is right in the world.

ā€¦ this is irrefutable proof that the world is not flat. In case anyone needed it.

PS: Iā€™m not into sports either. A die-hard Pats friend worked some voodoo on me :roll_eyes::+1::joy:


Great food; I worked for them about 7 years on the waterfront.

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