Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

Welcome Karen :v:t2:
Congratulations on the 3 days! Stay strong :muscle:t2:


Welcome Karen! Community and humanity. That’s it for me too. Together we can do this. Very glad to have you aboard lady.


Welcome! !

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Day 4. When does it get better? Woke with bad headache last 2 mornings. Anxiety is crushing in the evenings (when I would usually drink). Feel near tears all the time if not actively crying. Want to give up. :disappointed_relieved:


Oh, I am sorry you are hurting. Those early days and weeks and yes, months can be filled with a lot of questions and teeth gritting. For myself, it took a few weeks to feel not horrible all the time. That said, I drank and used drugs for 40+ years…so I couldn’t expect my body, mind or spirit to heal for awhile…all that toxic build up and repressing emotions takes time and work to unravel.

It is 100% normal to feel really off, anxious, emotional, confused for awhile. Do you have some techniques that soothe you? For me, I would put myself to bed or take a walk or run or bicycle ride, bake some cookies or scarf ice cream, meditate or scream, get active on here, write in my journal, soak in my bathtub, hit the gym, do a puzzle…anything to get myself out of my head. And crying is a HUGE release…let it flow if you can. Sleep, bathtub soaks and being on here featured high on my list in those early days.

Finding the tools that work for each of us is key in my opinion.

Stick with it, it gets way better. :heart:


It does take some time but it does get better. Keep posting and talking with others. There are a lot of agnostic AA meetings on zoom and other types of non religious meetings to help pass the time as you go through the rough weeks and months but it does get better. In fact it gets amazing!


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Thanks! I’m working on finding things to distract me. And trying to add in a little exercise. I wish it wasn’t 95 degrees out when I get off work or I’d start walking more. Fortunately my boyfriend is supportive and won’t drink when he’s with me. He might have a 6 pack a week and easily goes without. I appreciate everyone’s support here.


This is fantastic, thank you!



He has about a 10 minute preface and then it’s 18 minutes. It’s wonderful. Relax and listen. At the beginning he talks about how it’s not religious and is also for agnostics and atheist. That’s why I decided to put it here instead of on the anthem thread.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derailment graveyard 2022



A reminder…

Also a reminder to keep this thread focused on sobriety or how atheism influences our own sobriety, rather than a commentary on the belief systems of others.


Hello everyone. I’ve been thinking about attending a SMART meeting in person but unfortunately there are none where I live. Has anyone read any of the books they offer and if so could you reccomend one.
I’m doing really well at the moment 2 months without smoking and 3 days without drinking. I needed to purge the nicotine before i stopped drinking.
I’d like to have as many tools as possible to beat this addiction once and for all.
I do have a renewed zest for life at the moment and I’m not that naive that it will last forever any helpful comments greatly appreciated. Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:


I have not but maybe it’s an idea to check out the SMART website? You can find the full SMART program there, a forum, and a schedule of online meetings. Wishing you all success!


Good for thought on a Saturday! Duality helps us place an incomprehensible complex matrix into neat and tidy packages…but… in that packaging, obscures the nuance and murkiness that are the nature of our reality💛


What happened to this thread? It looks like someone killed it.


No, I think we all just stopped posting. Time to get back to it!


Welp I’m 1 year and 4 days sober without god.