Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!



He’s one of my favorite atheists.

Big congrats on your sober time.

Congratulations l!!

Mine too!


Ooo interesting…I don’t know why I didn’t know my good friend Harry Potter was an atheist!



I think the workbook is supposed to be pretty good! I ordered it and ended up giving it to a friend. She said it really helped her as she was starting out.

Thank you @siand . I’m going to order a copy I think. We cant have too much knowledge can we? I’d like to read the science behind why we drink and understand it more.


When I began this path. I set aside 2 hours of my day just to research alcoholism and addiction. 1) it kept me busy and not drinking, 2) I learned a lot about myself.


Exactly @Thirdmonkey . Know your enemy and know yourself as we are all our own worst enemies at times.

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Have you already read Alcohol Explained by William Porter?


No not yet. The only things I’ve read are from links on this site. I say ‘only’ that dosnt do this site justice there are 100s of them and of course everyones experiences.

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I’ve just ordered this on kindle. Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face: @Jdeanj

Recovey Dharma is a good one to read. Let’s face it there are many facets to buddhism…it really focuses on looking with in.


Wow there’s so many great threads in here, about not having to be believing in higher power / god to have a way to help in this sober path, but to me no matter my beliefs it’s all just about living a better life. It reminds me of a quote I loved that I read somewhere. It said, “Give up everything for one thing, or give up one thing to have everything.” It just seems that sobriety truly does give you a better outlook, and a real opportunity to be the great people we really are. I feel as you get older you start to see how precious time, & life really is. I guess I feel like I don’t want to miss anymore of it, or let it pass me by. One definite thing we can all agree on, is we’re only on this planet for so long before it’s over. The world is too amazing to miss out. Maybe I just was on a random rant, but those are my thoughts.


I don’t know how accurate all the science is but I found This Naked Mind pretty helpful in getting some insight to how drinking patterns form and become entrenched. There are so many books and resources out there though.

Have you seen this thread?


Yeah, that’s so comprehensive. I shared it on the reading thread on Sunday. Theres always something to really enjoying my ebook but…I must sleep. I’m considering putting a 10pm cut off on here :rofl: good night all. :+1:


This made me giggle! :joy: love it


I’m reading it now and it’s super simple but I’ve actually noticed myself thinking differently about drinking already. Definitely recommend it as well.

I actually think one of the things most religions do pretty well is give a way of accepting that there are so many things we don’t have the answers to. In Christianity etc it is God’s will or moving in mysterious ways.

So for those of us without those structures around us, and a desire to know the unknowable or find some ultimate truth which may or may not exist, that’s quite a difficult thing I think.