Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

So I’m not religious at all but I do have a higher power. Regardless I enjoy this thread. However I kinda wonder what your response would be if a religious zealot posted a meme bashing your point of view? It’s memes like this that make me think you are no different than the same religious people you are seeking shelter from on this thread.

Food for thought. If you are going to claim to be higher and mightier than those waving their religion everywhere this meme is a bad look :man_shrugging:t2:


I was raised without any kind of religion by people raised in religion. A small part of my family (great uncle’s family) are devoted christians. They’re from a well known Christian city, Orleans (jeanne of arc city). It’s the same for my friends, they often got a few believers in the family.
Like you I never heard the “god bless you” thing in my entire life in France…only during US holidays :blush:

And like in the UK the Muslim part of our nation is very devoted and the mosquees, unlike churches on sundays, are always packed. The french religious debate is always about muslims VS, and no I’m not gonna have this debate here :sweat_smile:

I really don’t care about people religion, and I respect it. I used to be angry at catholic religions when I was younger, I used to be angry at islam when I was living in the Paris suburbs, I guess I was just an angry stoned guy raised by an angry father…I’m an all different man now. Peace :v:t2:

I’m glad to live in a country where you can believe in what you want, where atheism is not prosecuted like in some countries. I just hope we can all live together and respect our mutual beliefs.

And by the way, I always visit old churches when I can (and when they’re open). Besides the magnificent architecture aspect, I find peace in there :man_shrugging:t2:


Yes me too. My favourite two buildings in my own town are Oude Kerk, the oldest building in town, a medieval church (which by the way was stormed and looted by the Protestants in 1566 as part of our 80 year religious war), and the Portuguese Synagogue. Love to visit both and just sit and try to meditate a little bit.


I don’t really understand why religious people would visit an atheist thread, but anyway it’s how it is :man_shrugging:t2:


I very much enjoy this thread. I commented, but didn’t flag. I’m not religious. In fact I see little value in organized religion, and certainly annoyed by the knock at your door religious types.

Couple observations from my many years here:

When people came on my threads to argue and tell me I’m mean etc I was told that people can comment on any thread they like. I read this thread because there’s good things on it.

It’s a bit hypocritical to start a thread because religious people don’t value your beliefs, then turn around and do the exact same thing you were complaining about.

It should be quite easy to promote religion without bashing atheism. It should be quite easy to promote atheism without bashing religion. The zealots on both sides are two sides of the same coin,


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

For clarification, flags are not approved because they ‘offend someone’, they are approved because they break a rule or guideline of the forum. The meme in question, which was flagged, called a group of people ‘dumb’…name calling is against the rules. That is why the meme was flagged and ruled as approved. :slightly_smiling_face:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

I missed the drama and I’m quite okay with that :+1:t3: But I’d like to say happy Saturday to my favorite group of atheists!


Awwww happy Saturday Rosa!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Don’t stress it too much. It’s bound to happen on occasion and I’ve definitely been the source of some in my time here. Shake it off :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ll just share here, too, it’s my 15 year anniversary with my partner and a beautiful day for it. He’s my favorite atheist :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: He was raised in a very Christian home and it took him till his early twenties to get out of the mindset and find his own path. His mom promptly followed, though she still attends a Unitarian Universalist church. It’s not easy living in the Bible Belt. Anyway, he helped me to become more comfortable identifying as atheist and I’m really grateful for him.


Oh that stinks. Hope she has a mild case.

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And thanks! I’m glad I could be helpful :heartpulse:

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I LOVE this thread. I’m thankful for all of you.




From my OWN personal experience. Getting out of the religious environment that I was in has let me be my full authentic self :black_heart:


Same here sister, same here :sunglasses::metal:t2:


:clap:t3::black_heart: definitely freeing

