Sobriety reminder jewelery or something

Does anyone have a physical item they use as a reminder to stay sober? I was thinking of getting a ring or bracelet to serve as a reminder. Idk. Thoughts??

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I’ve tought about having ‘H.A.L.T’ tattooed - I cant wear metals at work.


I have a coin I keep on me sometimes as a reminder when I really need it. I stick it in my pocket and can hold onto it when I need a little extra motivation!

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My therapist has the serenity prayer tattooed on her wrist. I saw some cool bangles somewhere that I was thinking about. Not really a jewelry person so still thinking. Will find link…


Don’t even need that, I never took a coin at AA since I went there well into my sober journey-I got mine online and I love it!


I had to write and rewrite this post so many times, ugh. I’ll have to omit what I originally going to say that answered your question more directly, in the interests of erring on the side of caution.

If a physical reminder helps you, I say go for it. But I would just caution that it won’t solve anything other than the occasional forgetfulness, and as you get used to having it on you, it may lose effectiveness as a reminder. Or it may not. Everyone is different, and maybe it’ll make a difference in a tight situation later on, so I don’t discourage you from it. Just as long as you’re not putting too much faith in it, it’s a tool, not a remedy.

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I agree, it would absolutely be a tool. I want to find something that would some how be meaningful and make me think of everyone rallying around me. Just a reminder tool. I have a tendency to convince myself that no one gives a crap about my journey even though in reality that’s not true. I almost relapsed a few days ago so I’m pulling out all the stops this time.


I love that idea - not only a sobriety reminder but also a reminder of support! Even when you’re not tempted, it helps! Doubles as an encouragement and a gratitude reminder :slight_smile:

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I carry this shell with me at times…it makes me smile more than anything. I also use my date #929 to a lot of my post on fb…53 days sober today…




Holy crap that is awesome!!

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Congrats on 53… now 54 days sober :slight_smile:


Thanks everyone for your input. I love that other people carry around little things to help remind and encourage them. I’m definitely going to find a ring that represents that for me :slight_smile:

thanks going to meetings getting on the program having a desire to stop and back then there wasnt any internet or mobile phones like today only AA was available, today you guys have the net . new ways of staying sober ,i had no car so had to walk to meetings some ten miles away and had no place to stay my dear old mum took me back after my ex kicked me out after 15 years of marriage ,lived in England now im back in Scotland all my companies were down there so lost the lot had two plastic bags my ex sold the house for 500k never got a cent her boyfriend moved in filed for divorce lots of excuses to drink but i never , got back on my feet married again 25 years next july two big 6ft sons had a Landscaping business for 30 years semi retired now sold our 11 bed guest house moved to a 4 bedroom house in the country ,so if a old scots guy like me can stay sober anyone can


Google sobriety jewelry, there are some cool pieces. Stay strong & sober it’s so worth it!

I bought 3 rings shortly after I got clean, not because I wanted some kind of sober jewelry but because I missed having rings on my right hand. I stacked them on my ring finger. Very quickly they became something akin to promise rings. If I ever fall off the wagon they will come off. I don’t want to take them off! I like them and everyone around me knows what they represent.

I’m trying to upload a picture but there is definately a bug that’s not letting me.


Great idea!

I love this!

There we go. Had to get the app to reset.


I love all these ideas. I’m not really a jewelry person, unless it has a deep meaning to me. Going to NYC tomorrow which will be my first big venture out of my safe and sober routine. Maybe I’ll set a goal to find something I like to buy in symbolism :two_hearts: