Sorry i messed up

Well here we go again. I hit the bottle big time over the wekeend and didn’t turn up for work and got fired. I didnt even argue my case i held my hands up and took responsibility. Nobody forced me to drink . I wish i wasn’t like this

I have let myself and my family down and you guys and i can’t express enough how sorry i am

Back to square one with a plan in place so i can get better


All good bro.

‘Sober’ app is surprisingly helpful.
Being mindful of the times you are sober versus your f ups is a different adjustment on thought.

Get back up. Round 9999 xD

Find the reason that makes you want to change.
Most of all though.

Get back up, try again.


You got a plan ? can you share it with us


Hey man, I totally get it. I have been here too often! I love the community and it is so helpful to be accountable and to watch people blossom into and move past their addictions.
You’ve got this! We are here every single step of the way!

We got you man, always.


What is the plan? Can we help you?


Any advice would be helpful at the moment and to start with not drinking and getting this posion out of my system. And to talk to someone about whats going on



Here is a link that might help

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I guess you need to ask yourself: what are you doing apart from just trying to not drink? Cos that’s simply not enough.

How to get started:

Surround yourself w sobriety/recovery 24/7, learn as much as you can, engage here, and start inquiring into and connecting w yourself. As well as this or any other recovery community.

Resources for our recovery

Checking in daily to maintain focus #67 (Part 39)

Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)


What happened? Why did you pick up again?

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Maybe try ameeting plenty of different recovery meets out there with likeminded people who have been were you are wish you well

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