Good morning,
Oh the saddness is heavy for me today. I havent felt so fractured in life since maybe I was a young teenager.
I think where I disjointed with my rel with alcohol this time was I kept hearing that, in my mind life was unmanageable because of alcohol and it felt like no. My life is deeply unmanageable because my sister was murdered, I am navigating two court systems that do not care about the trauma they cause to victims families, I am caring for my nephew while trying to raise two children and he needs 1-1…and I could go on.
I have also not had emotional support around me, aside from my therapist and my best friend and those closest to me need a lot emotionally.
These are not excuses, as I felt before they are reasons why the drinking part of me is like “allow me to help with this mess”. I am learning that the intention of that part (this is just one perspective) is good - she is part of me and she wants to help, but the behavipur is not good. I find it SUPER terrifying to admit that maybe AA wasnt enough, or that it just wasnt the right fit becayse it worked for me before and suddenly I was without a “solution”. AA tells me if Im not getting it the issue is me, and Im pretty used to thinking the issue is me and also its a bit less scary to feel like Im the problem then the fact that I may need to branch out. I always thpught aside from harm reduction that there wasnt anything but AA out there. I am not online at all, this is the first time I have joined anything online and i cannot even figure out how to fix my autocorrecr (if you see my messages with words all spelt wrong I am not posting drunk I dont know how to turn on autocorrect).
Anyways, i just feel very different. I will do anything to get and stay sober, and I havent felt that way or been thinking so outside the box. I just felt like this is me, and where I am now, and my solution isnt working because I am bad and in my ego and cant be honest. Its so very difficult for me to unlearn a lot of thinfs I absorbed in AA (And I really have nothing against it! I loved my time there, and the steps are beautiful…but maybe there is another way, amd maybe for a woman who was raised to not be confident from a small age, experienced trauma and knew how to serve and be thete for others befpre AA ever came along…maybe there is more to the story).
I am goinf to find a womens retreat for trauma/meditation/addiction or some combination of that. I told myself and my husband I would go to rehab if I picked up one more drink, and in thinking creatively i thought…well, im not sure i want to go somewhere that is AA based, and I can likely find a retreat more quickly.
I will come here and update, and read and comment on posts. I reallg want to start exercising and caring for myself, but i have not had time. That is not an excuse, it has besn my reality since my sister was killed.
I appreciate this place, and I want this more then anything. I grew up with alcoholic parents, and I got sober not wanting this for my chuldren. I would hate myself if I stayed on this road, and I know I have nothing to lose. I have to admit I have PTSD (i dont know why that is so hard for me, but its like i have been ignoring the fact that I have trauma) and that i dissociate. This is when i drink. That is why it is automatic, and I feel i cannot trust myself.
Trust is huge again. My sister was murdered by someone I considered my brother in law, and though our relationship did strain over the years - particularly I was ready for him to be finished with him after he assaulted her when she first tried to leave (she did not tell us the extent of what happened), I was always cordial, my sister never spoke ill of him and I now understand how much she was controlled and manipulated. We were not a family watching this going hes going to kill her, even if we did not care much for him in the end as a good partner for her and saw he was not doing much for his son. I never saw this coming, my trust in people and lofe and the world is shaken. And the lack of support to us as we navigate this, the system is dragging us over a dirt road and everyone keeps saying “thats just how it is”.
I need to join a homicide survivor group also maybe, but I want to not go off in too many directions at once. I try to do too many things to help myself and then I feel like im failing when i dont do them all.
Theres my dump for the morning!