Starting to thing I can become a casual drinker?

don’t do it to yourself. take a stroll down memory lane. put yourself back in your ‘next day’ shoes. remember how upset your loved ones were at you, how you embarrassed yourself, how awful you felt, how you don’t want your kid(s) to have an alcoholic father, etc. you’ve done yourself so well in these last 6 months. keep it up. :dizzy:


When I first got on here I did it to experiment on another life. How would life be without drinking versus drinking. At first I went a long stretch which is something I never did before and I felt great. However, I made the mistake that it would change my life by itself. That all my problems were based on drinking when they weren’t.
The drinking was just part of it, I had to change who I was inside and not drinking helps me control that.
As time went on I tried it all, drinking wine, drinking only 1 time a month, 2 beers a night out.
I’ve gotten to the point, a celebratory shot made me feel like shit.
I still say this, there are people who can become normal drinkers, are you? Don’t we all wish we were? Are you the chosen one?
Here’s the answer to those questions because I have them too, is it worth the risk to find out?
If your life is great sober, or getting better, why go back to a mediocre life by drinking a little, why not go for gold and not drink at all.


I am 31 been truck driver for 6 years or more support my wife my kids with job wife can stay home with kids just alway wish I can do something different I gues I live in the northeast so truck driving isn’t beautiful in winter lol why I want to stop trucking but no other jobs pay anough and can’t go to school right now


North East England or the US? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ps I’m not the praying type of person probably why I didn’t like aa

United States Maine conn ri mass nh

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You should try NA it doesn’t really mention religion or look in to smart recovery which takes a more scientific approach. Your chances of success are greatly increased if you work some kind of recovery programme. If you have just been white knuckling it then the thoughts of drinking that your have been having do not come as much of a suprise. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


What does na mean?

For a little bit of time you can fool yourself all you want but I bet gradually maybe one night here and there and then unnotibaly you are right back in the depth of alcoholism. We can’t just drink casually at any moment but we are good at lying to ourselves that’s for sure


Narcotics anonymous, alcohol is a drug. In NA we identify as addicts. It’s a good programme as it’s smart recovery, you can even do online meetings. I would suggest the you do something, most of us need to. :+1:

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Don’t do it would be my advice. It’ll end up with being the headline “day 1 relapse”
Carry on without it. Its poison


I just screenshot this message in case I ever think I can be a casual drinker, you’re so right!

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This forum is ram packed with little gems like that hannah. There’s a thread for every scenario. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah it is. I read it all the time. I really believe this app is going to help me really succeed this time :slight_smile:

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I believe there’s enough info on here to get and keep somebody sober, that coupled with being able to come on and vent and ask people advice. It’s like a mini AA meeting in your pocket. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah it’s much better for me because I’d struggle to go to any meetings etc. And this way I can just look at it whenever I want :smiley:


You sound look in to the smart recovery online meetings there are also a couple of recorded ones that help you work through some of the modules. It is well worth doing, smart teaches you some good tactics. The more we throw at this the better chance that we have. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Ah thank you I’ll definitely check it out!

Nothing beats a face to face meeting but i wish you well

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I was born and raised on the Jersey shore. Been to your neck of the woods many a time, beautiful states.

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