Staying busy

So today is day 25 for me and to be honest the first 4 weeks I was exhausted but recently I have started to regain some energy and so today I decided to pick up an old hobby which is cooking. I used to love to cook especially from scratch before alcohol got in the way so it was nice to pick that back up today. This isn’t completely from scratch but it was modified (baby steps). What sort of hobbies did you pick back up or start after gaining your sobriety?


Those look amazing!

Why don’t you share here? There’s so much delicious food here & so many wonderful people sharing :innocent:

Thanks, will do!

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These look sooo good! Mini upside down pineapple cakes? Yummm :yum:
Since getting clean and sober I’ve rediscovered a few passions… dreamcatcher making and baking custom cakes and cupcakes. I as of recently love to exercise!!! Which was a very old hobby of mine that I have learned to love again (but in a healthier way) :slight_smile:


Dream catcher making sounds fun and I have always had a love hate relationship with exercise but hopefully I can find a way to love it again.
Yes, they are just mini pineapple upside down cakes.