Staying sober without AA

My approach is very similar to yours though I don’t rule out AA in the future? But there are so many paths to sobriety these days but I think it’s very very difficult to do without a lot of effort and change in mindset and working on yourself as a person. Well done on your time so far and hope we both keep getting stronger :blush::+1:

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Keep us updated on your journey with or without AA wish you well

Good job on your 30 days!! Keep fighting the good fight!


Thanks all! I’m certainly not ruling the AA out ever but I want to explore other stuff. Whatever helps anyone live a better sober life is great


So question??? And suggestions please! November 8th is my clean date from all drugs. I have drank a time here and there. Alcohol has no power over me. So is it wrong for me to celebrate my one yr clean from dope and drugs wrong?

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It’s been almost 5 months I attended a meeting. I haven’t gone back since my last stupor. I’m 100 days sober today. If I went my group would welcome me open hearted. It just long drive and I can manage my own at the moment.

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I done aa for the first 5 months of my sobriety and it really helped, aa is there to give the tools to manage your recovery and everything else is purely optional…me personally I live by the serenity prayer and it plays a part in my everyday life even though I dont attend anymore …aa doesnt force the religious aspect on you , I know its focused around god ( but than can perceived as any type of higher power)…but the work it does in helping people through recovery is phenomenal…would recommend just trying to anyone …I’m coming off 23 years of alcohol and drug dependency and I dont think I would be where I am now without the help I got from aa …366 days and counting guys :muscle:


Almost 4 months sober and only went to one meeting. It was in the first month if sobriety. I was in intensive outpatient though and now I’m in continuing care which is one day a week for a hour. I plan on using that as my ‘meeting’ for as long as I need it. Like another guy said focus on stuff you enjoy. Me , I like staying busy , I’m a workaholic… it can be yard work or doing shit in the house, or actual work. I like making money and having money to spend, which isnt on alcohol, weed, or coke. Reward yourself, I just bought a 30,000 dollar truck. Because I can afford it now… I was spending way more on drugs and alcohol… just always keep a backup plan as far as a meeting goes. Maybe go with a friend once to see if you like it


My! How you’ve changed.

Amazing how over the years we start to transform. And in your case, for the better. You’re doing so well now.

So true!!

I was a bit like the Yoda…I kept saying if I relapse one more time I’ll go because what I’m doing isn’t working. So I went…and man was I wrong about AA.

I don’t go very often now and I never did get a sponsor but I did learn a LOT from the program, skills that I use everyday. And I do still hit up a meeting every now and then to catch up.


Not everything resonates with everyone. But the willingness to explore many resources and options to find what does work for you is key IMHO to finding our way.


Welcome, @Brooke85!

What we celebrate is completely for us to decide. Not knowing your story, I think one year free of drugs/dope is a fine accomplishment regardless. Well done!

You ask about the alcohol use though. Do you have some doubt about your relationship with alcohol? Is it something you can take or leave? “If you have to ask…” as they say.

Common wisdom would be exceeding caution. For many a drink becomes the crack in the wall I’ve seen many get drawn back into their old addictions through.


I love to see this open discussion. I tried both ways. I was a binge drinker. I could go long periods of time without drinking but when I drank I was an unpredictable drinker. 1 or blackout mess I could not tell you what I was going to do after I had one drink. So I quit on my own for 3.5 years. During that time I was irratible and discontent. I would get on a workout kick then quit. Kayaking then quit. Biking then quit. You get the point. Then I got depressed and angry until finally I figured enough time had passed why not try controlled drinking again. The first time nothing bad happened. The next couple times I saw my drinking start ramping up again. A friend took me to a meeting and at first I was like wth is with all this talk about God and one day at a time. I figured I would at least try it and really work the steps. Now I am just over 2 years sober and that irritable discontent feeling is gone. I learned how to live life on life’s terms. You search and try and find what works for you. This is my story i hope it gives some insight. I wish you all the best.


Hi Brooke.

Firstly big congrats on cutting not taking the drugs for a year! If you considered your drug taking detrimental to your happiness and health then it’s amazing you quit that negative behaviour and in my opinion you should celebrate it.

If alcohol misuse is not a problem you feel that you have and you can have a drink but never drink more than you intend and it causes no issues in your life then it feels like you don’t want/need to cut drink out from your life as you have with drugs.

It’s unusual in my mind as people with addictive personalitys tend to show that trait across the board but if it’s not the case for you then celebrate been sober from the drugs you deemed an issue and putthe drug alcohol outside of that (alcohol is a drug also).

Great news on your sobriety :slightly_smiling_face:

You can celebrate being clean from your drug of choice. If alcohol is not an issue for you, then that is fine. Not everyone has alcohol abuse issues.


Hi @JonathanMcGrath,
Just seen your post here and wonder she you’re at these days.
You could try reading the Psalms in the Old Testament, many written by King David, the shepherd boy musician who got into some trouble (adultery) then got the woman’s husband murdered… He cried out to God for mercy when he realised what a mess he’d made…
After these experiences he wrote Psalm 51 which is incredibly raw - a heart cry prayer.
Keep in touch if you’re interested :blush:
P. S. I have had many very bleak times - due to my selfish behaviour with doc - when I’ve thought God would have every right to ditch me and exclude me from any heaven he might have created, but he never fails to have mercy and picks me up when I fall, as long as I turn back to him.


I don’t go to meetings either. And I don’t follow anyone else’s steps

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Love this. Thank you. And I have learnt the same thing!


I’ll share one of the stories from the big book , basically a man stopped drinking and focus on his job and career, he told himself that he won’t drink until he reached his career goals, he success fully stoped fir 30 years and reached his goal . After he retired he kept the promise he made to himself and started to drink again…he was dead within 5 years. I share that because I honestly believe I would not have stopped drinking if not for AA, the twelve steps and my belief in a higher power , keep in mind I was very atheist or agnostic ( it all depended on my mood lol) and I never would’ve have thought I would be where I am now. It’s alot easier for me to stay sober now , in the pass I couldn’t make it 30 days , now I’m going on 3 months, now , in the end everyone is different and perphaps some one whose TRULY an alcoholic can stay sober without AA but I haven’t met that person and since it’s creation AA has saved countless lives…so why not give it a chance .


I to the same as you. I used to go regularly like 2-3 times a week but l am an atheist so found that hard. Also l couldn’t be bothered doing the steps. But l am sober by changing my ways and I’m getting used to thinking I’m a non drinker. I do go every now and then to a meeting in my village just to keep my hand in so to speak and see everyone l have made friends with. It’s nice to do that and get a chip. I am nearly 2months now and doing well without them. This app is so helpful too. Everyone has different ways of staying sober. Whatever works for you!!