Struggling bad

So I just hit the reset 🤦 I ended up drinking yesterday, something I do not do because I hate the way alcohol makes me feel but a friend came over and I drank quite a bit and worse than that, I went and picked up some pills. I want this sober thing so bad but my brain keeps getting in the way. it’s like I’m driving down sober highway and suddenly I’m stopped at a checkpoint (craving) and instead of stopping and getting waved on to continue driving, I get stopped and rerouted back to addiction highway. I am back at it today and that’s what I will focus on because today is all we have. @Cammy43 good for you for staying busy and fighting through your cravings and thank you for reaching out.


I’m sorry to hear that Briella. That’s a hard feeling & it’s so tough, feeling that disappointment, feeling like you saw your sandcastle washed away by a strong wave :cry:

Pick yourself up & dust yourself off, open your recovery journal and write out the series of events that led to the relapse. There is a pattern - I guarantee it. You find that pattern and you can disrupt it. You can set up “fire drill” escape plans for your sobriety that will keep you safe the next time you start seeing red flags of relapse.

Welcome back sister, good to see you here :innocent: You are a good & worthy person, and you deserve sobriety.


Thank you :blush: I am going to focus on just that, a plan to avoid this next time. No cravings right now because I feel like shit about doing it yesterday so I’m gonna walk off my hangover and hope to nap and feel better.

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Sounds good, some self-care will help.

Tell me about it. Our “addict brain” has a whole life of its own. It’s a hunger, a hunger for something. It’s like we’re hungry for — connection maybe? Reassurance? We want something so bad, and we run to our addiction because it’s familiar and that’s where we’ve found comfort before. It’s a lie of course, but it’s our lie. :innocent:

Care for yourself, learn and reflect. You say you want this. Good. Imagine deep down how it feels to want something so bad you’ll give up anything for it. Anything. What you’re seeing there is the Briella who makes it through her next craving. It’s in you sister. It is. :weight_lifting_woman:

Have a peaceful day & take care :innocent:

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Thank you so much and no I relapsed today too bottle bottle of wine and my thing is it’s right across the street at Walgreens 399 SMH and I feel like you I hate the way I feel when I’m withdrawing like right now I’m withdrawing I cannot sleep I don’t feel good I feel anxious anxiety just not good

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I feel terrible :disappointed: usually it takes a couple days for my withdrawal symptoms to rear it’s ugly head, but I’m already having stomach issues and hot and cold sweats, it’s not fun but I’m not gonna let it break me, I will over come this and so will you. I just keep asking God to help me and give me strength, that’s usually where I do find strength and also when I look at my children I find strength because they need me the most. Let’s do this sober thing at least for today @Cammy43 :+1::muscle::hugs:

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Thank you for understanding like gosh I thought I would never meet somebody that will go through the same withdrawals like me forgive me for being silly but I’ve never really talked about it with anybody else and gosh that’s exactly how I feel hot and cold sweats like I just barely went to sleep at 5:00 in the morning cuz I could not sleep and I know because I felt dehydrated I just feel weird and like you say yes stomach problems are your gagging but yes I know we were overcome this cuz like you said it’s not a good feeling

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Hey there :wave: hope you’re hanging in there. I have used,reset,used, reset basically everyday this week 🤦🤦🤦 I’m back and ready to try. Luckily I don’t have much reason to leave so not too much opportunity to go on drug runs 🤷 how are things in your part of the world? I’m in Michigan

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Totally understand I had to reset mine right now… I’m in Las Vegas Nevada… Yes will try and do the same… Stay blessed


Hello all. :wave: Just trying to get through day 4. I tried to set something up for one of my dealers to meet me while I was out walking but fortunately she isn’t leaving her house because of the whole virus pandemic and I’m not going anywhere without the hubby since that really helps to keep me in check. Hope everyone is making it through, I’m struggling pretty bad today but hanging in there.


Hang in there Briella. Check out some online meetings if you can. I’ve been doing recovery meetings online and I’m finding it makes a difference. Loneliness and isolation are tough :grimacing:

You got any hobbies you can do at home? Gardening, art, cooking, yoga?

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Hi I have the same issue porn ruin my life!! Stay strong!!

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Just sitting outside enjoying the sun and my app just went off. First whole week, just hit 7 days, best thing that’s happened since the virus outbreak. Hope y’all are doing well and staying safe and healthy.


God bless you… I was feeling the same about getting a drink. Didn’t feel like going out

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Good :grin: stick to it we don’t need poison in our bodies. Stay strong :muscle: may the Lord continue to give us strength :pray:

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7 days is great mate, you’ve come along way since texting your mate for drugs mate. I am defo proud of you. :muscle:

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Thanks so much :blush: and you’re right I have come a long way. Thanks for the encouragement :grin:

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that was l lot of mates in that post, sorry mate :joy: :joy: :joy:

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No prob mate LOL :joy::+1:

Something that worked for me in early sobriety was that I’m don’t have to stop forever. I just want to stay clean today.
However if you’ve already mentally relapsed. Go get done.
The only one who can keep you clean is your higher power. Knock and the door opens…
Only works if you want it
That’s just my advice. Dosen’t mean much
Definitely not definitive