Take the addiction away, now feel like I have nothing to look forward to/cant get excited about anything

It must last longer than that, because I swear that I’m still going through it. I’ve been sober for 5 years +. Sometimes I go through this a week, or 2 at a time :cry:.


Could be that or just normal life. I think everyone goes through down times, even people who weren’t addicts like us. Just need to push through those rough weeks :grin:


Great! You just show up. The person leading the meeting will ask if there is anyone attending their first AA Meeting. You can raise your hand and the leader will just ask for your first name. Then, the rest of the meeting becomes a “meeting for the newcomer.” Everyone will tell their stories of how they got to where they are when they stopped drinking and what works for them. You just listen and try to find similarities in your own story. You’ll be fine. Everyone had their own first meeting and knows the feeling.


Ok great thank you :blush: oooh I’m excited :grin:


I felt this hard. I’m just over 16 months n it’s work meetings sleep repeat. I got my music my other hobbies but other than that it’s hard to feel like I’m moving forward. I learned in treatment about paws post accute withdrawal syndrome that can last up to anywhere around 2 years n it the symptoms are very similar to depression. You say you were 6 months in that’s about the time I felt the very same way i guess what I’m saying is just keep going some days are easier n more productive than others I hope that helped @Solanaceae


I am Not only an addict, I have the disease of addiction. I’m addicted to many things. :thinking: I believe that being an addict somehow or another is tied into OCD, because they are both very similar this here compulsiveness to do and not stop! I’m addicted to the smallest thing squeezing a bottle of toothpaste, I cannot just squeeze a little bit I have to have the whole toothbrush full until it falls off in the sink an inch long. Ketchup, has to be not just a little bit on my plate but it has to be a cup full half the bottle that I surely am not going to eat and I know that the minute I stop squeezing the bottle. Laundry detergent, And it’s not one pod It’s two pods. Sometimes three The soap is overflowing in the washer in the floor just like a cartoon from the '70s.
it doesn’t end there my food in the cupboard has to be exactly like I want it ABCDEF… or I go ballistic, not only that it has to be in size order as well. My closets, dressers and cabnets in my bedrooms throughout my home are the same way. When I clean my house I may not clean for a week due to clinical depression but, when I do it’s to an extreme. Where I disturb the whole house in an uproar I may clean for 3 days 24/7 every corner every crevice every door top even the ceilings. A perfectionist with the disease of addiction which is OCD, extremely bi-polar. Thank the Lord the bipolar is under control with medication, mindfulness, counseling, spirituality and has been for many years. :blush:

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Your post has a lot of good advice for everyone that’s struggling. Thank you :blush:

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I understand where you’re coming from I was on Benzo15 years, on amphetamines for the same along at a much younger age, along with many others pills and alcohol. I absolutely loved them I would take pills of any kind until there were no more. I’ve been clean now for 5 years. As young girl barbiturates was one of my doc they helped me forget the horrific pain as a young girl and clearly helped me forget it for life Because for a long time I could not remember my childhood.

I want you to know that I care about you and I love you as if you were a sister because I feel the same pain that you feel. I want you to know and remember every second of every day you can do this with time patience and understanding that none of this was your fault. And that it’s just a way we learn to deal with life at that time in our life. And just like a food that we like that has been poisoned, that we have loved our lives. We have to walk away with a different mindset so for now on you have to keep telling yourself, I don’t like this stuff it is nasty! every time you think about it, I am better than this poison it will kill me it is killing me, I am beautiful outside and in side, I am a good person with a good heart, I don’t need this. Even when you look in the mirror you have to tell yourself these things. And in time you will be well enough to do this without all the pain​:hugs::heart:

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Thankyou for replying. I hope so :pray:

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Thank you for this one

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