Talking Sober Feedback

There is a blue box towards the bottom of the text box says post or create something along that line.

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@Karen7, have a little play around, we can always delete/adjust it if you post something incorrectly :slight_smile:

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Hey Robin…I’ve actually been having this problem lately on my iOS. I couldn’t figure out what is wrong but now I see that when I open the community the top bit is hidden. I’m not sure if it is behind the header that includes the search, chat room, and my account links or if it is behind all the icons of who is online. Either way, I can access the “new topic” icon on my phone.

Could you include a screenshot?

You can just see the new topic box under the Talking Sober banner.

I will second that. And the thread title is not visible when you click to read posts

Okay, I feel a little dumb now but I tried turning my phone on its side (landscape view) and the new topic button appeared again. It’s a pain in the butt but it is a work around.

Looks like it happened on the smaller screens due to the header being too wide. I’ve change it so that it only shows the compact Talking Sober logo instead of the full one when you’re on mobile.

That should solve the issue :slight_smile:

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@Robin what’s the green circle with the number by my profile? I know I get notifications there. Like for pm but I have a green dot now with a 1 inside it and it stays there. I know I read my pms. So the blue dot for pm is gone. Green I cant figure out👱

Blue is for notifications, for example when someone mentions you in a post.
Green is for private messages. Go check out your inbox.

Is there like a legend that explains what all the different colored dots and bubbles mean next to the topics??

I only see the blue dots. Maybe you’re talking about something else, could you share a screenshot?

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They indicate new posts on that topic.

For each topic on the forum you can pick notification options.

By default all the topics will be on Normal for you. If you post or reply in a topic it will go to Tracking. If you start a topic it will be set to Watching. You can also manually set and override this if you want, but this is usually not required.

Normal topics get the blue dot to indicate that they have new content.
Tracking & Watching topics get the count next to them to indicate new content.

I don’t know why your description made me laugh, but this is perfect. Lol

Alright, I’m sorry if this has already been asked but is there a way to bookmark certain topics?

See the three little dots to the right of the :heart: like button? Click on that and you’ll see a ribbon shaped bookmark

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My goodness! I finally figured it out, I assumed that was the bookmark but couldn’t figure out where to retrieve the things I bookmarked. Thank you for your help💖

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I’ve mentioned the unintended but unfortunate gender bias in the quotes on this app before, and I understand that it has no traction so it won’t change. I can live with that for now. But today’s quote has a typo as well as gendered language. If you fix the typo, maybe change “man” to “person” while you’re at it? Thank you, and many thanks for the great app.

13 posts were split to a new topic: Calorie Tracking