Tell Us Something You Did To Stay SOBER Today!

Oh Binx im so glad to hear that you did finally get aome rest and today is a much better day.
I am so happy to be aling side you on this sober journey. Stay strong my friend and di know you can reach out any time. :people_hugging::heart:


Hell yeah, Binx! Put your foot down! :foot::grin: It feels good!


Binx…you are right, my sons 31 and 35 will have to get to the point…where we have gotten. That is wanting to be sober. Its funny isn’t it? Just wanting to get clean is just part of it…because its still really hard to harness our drugs or alcohol. I will try to relax. Thx!!


Either you are in relapse or you are in recovery, now these days I sometimes struggle feeling close to relapse… it scares me.

So I carried out my daily routines, the first thing I did was decide to be sober and drug free today, just for today.

Did read a chapter in the AA book. I read daily reflections, (the date for today) I read as Bill sees it (one side), I read six motivational quotes on I am sober, plus I checked in on Talking Sober! Thanks for all you share! Grateful for that.

A long jog for general good health, I charged the electric company car for work tomorrow. I called a sober friend.

I tried to help those who are suffering, today, Gratitude for the day before bed time then it’s good night :smile:

One day at a time, one step at a time. Grateful for the little things! Thank you for service. And a nice evening to you all. Wish you the best :sparkles::star:


Veuillez m’excuser si je ne dis pas cela correctement :see_no_evil: Je suis désolé d’apprendre que vous êtes à l’hôpital et j’espère que vous guérirez bientôt.

Arrêter l’alcool et la cigarette en même temps doit être très dur pour vous. Merci de revenir nous dire comment vous allez :heart:

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Hello and thank you for your response. It’s not the first time I’ve been to the hospital for withdrawal maybe 4 or 5 times. I keep growing that it will eventually work for a long time.


You are right, it really will work out for you in the end. You just have to make sure that it’s being managed the right way. If you’re in hospital it means you need medical assistance to stop drinking.

Never give up Isalline, you will break free from alcohol :heart:


I read my Bible, prayed, mediation and wrote a grats list everyday and am 7 months clean and sober. Also chat to God majority of the day if anything comes up


Meditation and Service


Last night I indulged in two episodes of Law and Order SVU. I went straight to the ‘Ripped from the Headlines’ section and sat back until mind quieted and Mariska saved us all.


I do love that Mariska - bad ass!

Today I got busy with working and after work just vegged out with the TS site and watching Grimm in the background.


I listened to a sober podcast on my drive home. Heading home from work seems to be my most common trigger time of day, especially on a Friday. I hit 60 days sober this week so it seems to be helping!


Gave myself a pep talk in my car on a break at work


Reached out for help on here and got it :+1:


@Scorpn @Starlight14
Stay strong ladies - weve got this!


You too Jasmine, love to you :blush: :heart:

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Baked and cooked. Read. Went roller skating. And tonight I’ll start a TV show (Severance) and I’ll read the Big Book (I started 2 days ago).

I’m grateful. :heart:


I cooked too! My husband brought in a huge bag of apples on Friday, so today I made a crumble. Also made pizza for lunch. Snacks for my son. And finally, fridge-cleanup dinner: fried turkey fillets, both roast and steamed veg, couscous. I always need to clear out the fridge during the weekend, so I can start the week on a “clean slate” of sorts.


Hung out at Barnes & Noble this afternoon and wrote in my journal while enjoying a nice cuppa Joe. Browsed for jobs on Indeed.


Aa meeting, long walk, dual recovery meeting, healthy eating. Oh and read and posted here.

Shout out to the gratidudes