Tell Us Something You Did To Stay SOBER Today!

I pushed myself to get back on TS :slight_smile:


I slept a lot! Scrolled the TS site a lot!


Went through pics and videos from Vietnam, ate, turned on my Nintendo Switch after 2 years, watched a few movies.


Found an old disposable camera and went for a walk so I could take some pictures with it. Enjoyed the sun and warm spring day along the way. Went grocery shopping for the week and got myself some good food to look forward to.


I’m currently in a rehab facility so I didn’t have a choice


Welcome @gate glad you found us. you may not have alot of choices about the rules but you have choices. Try to learn as much as you can about your addiction and your thinking as you can


Excuse me but what’s TS?

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To stay sober I just wrote to my diary. I often way more write to my diary than talk to people… :joy: That’s when you’re introverted ass heh.
Also maybe brownies from milka made me feel I don’t want to relapse. They were so yummy, I need to buy them again!


TS is short name for this site Talking Sober :wink:


Standing my ground and even that I don’t have clear positive feelings about a decision made I feel relieved that there is a decision. This wouldn’t have happened like this 4.5 years ago. Never ever.


This is great to hear Franzi :people_hugging:

Might not be exactly like your situation, but I know during the height of my drinking I wouldn’t challenge anybody on anything. I just wanted an easy life, no confrontation.

I’ve a complicated history with my sister, she’s about a year and a half younger, but she’s a bully and a money hungry person. Over the years, I allowed her to dictate situations, she had the upper hand in our relationship always. She saw herself as better than me. When my father died, she tried to do some despicable things. I wasn’t letting her away with what she wanted to do, and stood up to her. I have no relationship at all with her now. My brain tells me to forgive her for what she has done, but you can’t forgive anyone that doesn’t want it, or believe they were ever in the wrong.

I noticed the less our DoC is in our lives, the more ‘me’ we get back, if that makes sense. You start to be able to handle people and their BS.

You should be proud of yourself for standing your ground Franzi :muscle:


Two things that came up in my mind :upside_down_face: they just arise. It’s so important to set boundaries for us. And it helps others to respect them and to respect us as human being. That’s so hard to do and to live with the unpleasant feelings that might come up afterwards.

The second thought was about forgiving. I attended a workshop about it. It was so interesting. And there is so much to learn for me there. It’s not for them, forgiving but for us. To let go. It won’t undo the things that happened not will it say: it’s fine how you treated me back then. And it’s a huge step to say: at the moment I cannot not forgive you. To allow you and acknowledge that atm you cannot forgive. Thank you for reminding me of this workshop :upside_down_face:


Before: our custom painted front door from the original build 15+ yrs ago

After: new front door and screen door installed. I also custom painted this new front door too, it was stock white when it was installed.


No problem, I’m glad you’re getting some use and connecting some dots from your workshop :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s interesting. I haven’t been to a workshop about it, but it was actually life experiences and actually connecting with Himself upstairs (don’t worry I won’t preach :grin:) that made me learn about forgiveness.

It’s important to me that anyone I may have wronged can find it in themselves to forgive me. But it isn’t always a two way street. In order for a person to accept forgiveness, they have to feel like they have wronged you in some way. It’s not really the way the world works, a lot of people will always believe they are in the right, and will never see how freeing it is to accept that we have wronged another person.

My ex husband is one of these people. My drinking career started with him, as it happens. He is a mentally and physically abusive alcoholic, that put me through hell with my eldest two sons. I know that if I met him or wrote to him saying I forgive him for what he did to me and our children, he would spit venom (and probably attack me). He’d love nothing more for me than to die a painful death, because I dared to leave him and the abusive situation. How I’ve balanced this in my head is that I do forgive him, but I can’t make him accept it. I can’t live in a state of constant hate or bitterness. You have to let go of hurt and pain, or you will never know a days peace. For that reason, I pity him.

You’re absolutely right about setting your boundaries. That goes for any relationship, whether it’s family, friends or a life partner. Setting boundaries for yourself coincides with self love and self respect. if you have these things in check, you’re far less likely to fall foul to people looking to take advantage of your good nature :slightly_smiling_face:


Cannot like it more than once :upside_down_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sunflower:


Nice work all around…looks great.
I love the color!


Took a nap with the doggies. They’re good sleep buddies.


Went to therapy. Cried. Napped. Ate cookies.


That sounds like some great self-care :+1:


Perfect Karen,seriously! I went to a Refuge Recovery meeting online and spoke honestly :upside_down_face: about the possibility of just sticking with live meetings. I meditated before I got out of bed,Patience,a really nice guided meditation on IT. True confession: I turned my volume down during the meeting and did a silent 20 minute meditation. I exercised,and not just my demons, and I brought my vacuum cleaner to my sister’s home where Mom lives and vacuumed her rug for her. I saw something that made me smile in her room. Yes,I smiled @Dazercat ! You got this @KarenKW . As you say OFDAAT !

This was Mom’s parent’s wedding day. They adopted her when she was 8 and changed the trajectory of her life in a beautiful and loving way. I was close to my Nana up to the end. A remarkable soul.