Tell Us Something You Did To Stay SOBER Today!

I’m in my first week of being sober as well, great job staying out of your head stay strong. I slept a lot today and cleaned and wrote in my journal, going to get some model boats and cars to build to keep myself staying busy. Proud of you stay sober your strong and we all believe in you.

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Started my day off with prayer and meditation along with reading Just for Today. Spent some time reading the big book and the 12 x 12. Help another alcoholic just by listening and sharing similarities. Attended an AA meeting on zoom. These are just some of the things that keep me right sized.
But for the grace of God go I.


Today I went for my daily walk at 6am then I sewed all day. Made some things for my new grandbaby. It really kept me busy and focused and didnt think about drinking. Soon I’ll make dinner and early to bed and hopefully no drinks tonight.


Sounds like you had an incredible day of sobriety Liz, congratulations…

The thing is when the shitshow starts (not if but when) we learn too reach into our sobriety toolbox and use the tools that we have acquired through working the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and not for a drink to dull and cover up our thoughts and emotions. Developing a relationship with our sponsors and attending meetings, being of service, reading and studying the Big Book and the 12 x 12. The genuine friendships that I have developed in the fellowship has seen me through some incredibly difficult times in my sobriety. Yet work must be done on our spiritual and emotional well-being if we are to stay sober for any length of time if we are real alcoholic.
Liz, this is some of the ways I have stayed sober for 946 consecutive days even when the drink still seemed like the answer to my problems at times. But for the grace of God go I. Congratulations again on your sobriety. Stay strong, rooting for you…Take care my friend.


I’ve started my day today by making myself a coffee and coming on here and reading this topic post for some inspiration! I’m on day three today and starting it on a positive, this is my first comment on here but really finding this forum a great help! Hope everyone has a good day x


Welcome to the forum Steph. Hope you’re enjoying your coffee… Congratulations on your third day.


Hiya and Thank you! Hope you have a good day!


Ah thank you! Yeah I’ve been reading all of the posts and really seen what an awesome and supportive community is! :blush: super happy to be a part of it and can really see that by posting it really does make a difference and helps! Hopefully I can help others too as well as myself, hope you have a good day!


I’ve been hiking almost everyday. A little vitamin D and some scenery does wonders for the soul :v:


Today I am serving my community.


Edmund, thanks for the good advise and suggesting a sobriety tool box for when the shit show starts. I hope to stay sober as long as you and then some.


Tried to work on acceptance . Anyone care to walk around with me and tell me when to shut the fuck up?


Never. You just keep doing you boo.


today I stayed sober by not buying any, keeping it simple and obvious.


But Derek I am on the verge of telling 74.3% of the population.

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Went for a walk, drank a lot of coffee, reached out to a friend that has worked the program. I tried to catch up on sleep as I am still pretty early in detox and haven’t slept much. I’m finally able to eat something more than toast. Not much, but its a start.


Hovered and polishedmy car inside!

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Listened to Recovery Elevator podcast. Always helps to keep me sober.