Tell Us Something You Did To Stay SOBER Today!

Today I tidied out my boys cupboards bagged lots of old stuff, created lots of space and rearranged his furniture. He loves it and now has space for a new Lego building desk. :grinning: Tonight played monopoly with the rest of my family. It’s been a good sober day.

Two Recovery Dharma meetings.


Every day I remember where I was when I used to drink and then I look where I am now. Physically and psychically. The change is huge to better and every day I am grateful for being sober and live my life fully with awareness. For being present and healthy.
Sobriety is the best thing in my life. I couldn’t appreciate it more without my past. Thanks to all the way I have walked and thanks to all the experience I have collected I know the true value of my life and I am never going to take it for granted :hugs:
There are no longer things to be sorry for, because I don’t have a space for regrets. Acceptance of myself and my own past helps me to stay sober and concentrate on the presence.
Self-development and self-consciousness are helping me to stay sober.
Memories are helping me to stay sober.
Gratitude is helping me to stay sober.
There is nothing what could make me drink again.


I tried something new downloaded the app and went with family

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Chose not to drink today due to the miracles of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous…


Ran almost 3 miles. Took my measurements. In one month of running, eating well and sober, have lost 11.25 inches. If that’s not motivation idk what is! Do grateful to be here. :pray::pray::pray:


This is one of the things I have done: I have bought lots of different flavours of sparkling water and I have been drinking this over some ice which I must admit is really really refreshing. The calories are really low and hey it’s water :smiley: i don’t release that you could get so many different flavours… and its on top of the weekly shopping list today as all the family has been drinking it as well :clap: “i wake and think oh what did I drink last night & I jump out of bed with a smile Yeah it was only water woop woop” :rofl: brilliant so it is.


Reading threads on this forum.
Drinking water
Reminding myself WHY I got sober.
And all the good things it brought me!

Sober life is better!


Looked up cars. I want a new car so I’m saving my money for one I really want … xx


When I say new btw I mean new to me… not a 201 :grinning:

One of the gentleman that I sponsor has began working his fourth step with me today. So grateful for the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, not sure if he realizes it yet but I believe he is helping me stay sober more than I am helping him at this time.


I ate dinner. That seems to be when I usually falter; hungry and don’t feel like cooking. I went food shopping yesterday and stocked up on quick meals.


Very good topic , I think it’s important to share this so there could not only get some new ideas on staying sober but also get inspired by seeing it works.
Me , well I divide things into different needs, my mental , spiritual , physical , emotional need of the days and try to take care of them as the date goes on, for example , for my spiritual needs I’ll meditate , pray , or try to talk to and listen to another addict. For my physical need I will exercise , eat something that benefits my body in a positive way or watch a stand up ( laughter is really good for the body , you can actually see that to the spiritual too since it’s good for the soul) that’s how I pretty much go thru my day and stay sober


it was quite close today but I just had to stay alert and know that my thoughts do not have to be my actions, I’m not what I think, I’m what I do. Oh and definitely laugh at the voices they don’t like that very much and soon bugger off. Also remind myself I’m not drinking today and I’ll see how I feel when I wake up tommorow. It’s only one more day.

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Lol I love it

Like many of the people on this thread, I took a hike and meditated. Without the mobile phone. Just a mindful walk by myself. Solitude helps. Then I came home and danced to 70s love songs lol. Still on a partial lockdown here. Feels like I’ve got all the time in the world!

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To stay sober I reminded myself of how far I have come in my sobriety. Over 100 days! I had the opportunity to drink alcohol in secret (on my own in the house for a couple of days). I am also quite down and low in mood at the moment plus I have a few soul searching personal decisions to make over the next few months. The thought of drinking alcohol crossed my mind several times yesterdy and was stronger and more tempting than it has ever been. I stayed focused, reminded myself of how unbelievably amazing i have done and reminded myself of that great feeling of sobriety and being guilt free when waking every morning.


I cooked a lot of food. Meal prepping. The chopping of vegetables and cooking complex dishes keep my mind busy and my hands busy


Busy day. Made some cupcakes and did a mini photoshoot. After that chased some local, very fragrant strawberries to make stawberry preserves. Picked a ton of plums from my friends garden to take to the birthday party which attendants are crazy about sour plums. Sat and enjoyed my sobriety while they were getting hammered.