Tell Us Something You Did To Stay SOBER Today!

I do projects all the time to keep my mind busy. Today i recieved my lumber order and built a deck. Next is put in a sliding door and paint my sad looking house lol


Today I spent all the money I would have on drugs and alcohol on food and new clothes


I sent my daughter and her boyfriend to the supermarket, so that I could not be tempted to purchase alcohol… don’t think I would have done, but just in case.


Liquor Free Birthday. Picked up some amazing BBQ, Family Trivia via Zoom, chilling and cuddling with the dog and wife.


I went into my exercise room at 4:30 yesterday when wifey was making her cocktail and told myself to just bench press these 2 twenty pound dumbbells twelve times and see what happens. :weight_lifting_woman: I ended up doing a 30 minute workout. And got a free attitude adjustment. :grinning:


Practicing love and tolerance. Growing emotionally in my recovery. Practicing the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous in all of my affairs.
Even though at times today the stress and shitshow concerning my job was front and center, I did not drink over it…I’ve learned to work through the issues and move on. There, but for the grace of God go I.

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Hit 6 months sober today. Felt kind of worthless, so I went for a run in the woods and meditated. Feel so much better now.


I did some watercolor, and yesterday was really hard. We have these little fairy doors around the woods near my house with children’s toys in them so kids can grab them while on walks so I gathered up some little fake coins and tiny dinosaurs and hot wheels to put in the fairy doors and that was simple but took a lot of time to keep me busy. I tried to remember old shows I used to like before I started drinking so I restarted viva la bam.


I went Mini Golfing. :golf: …sad, but in the past even that is something I would’ve wanted to sneak alcohol into to make it more “fun”. But I realized I can have just as much fun without it!


Picked salad greens, green onions, cucumbers and parsley from the garden. It is so rewarding. Tomatoes are not ripe yet because of the rain.

Made lemon zest with a cheese grader and put in the freezer for a quick lemon cake.

Still drink chai lattes but I am at the end of my supply. I am a new coffee fan. On my second coffee.

Watching some war documentaries on TV.

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:sparkles: This morning I woke up before 7am, made a delicious breakfast, did the dishes, made the bed, started laundry, fed the geese outside, chased my cat around the apartment (she loves that game), and at 9:30 I am heading out to the grocery store!!!:sparkles:

Any other Sunday morning in the past, I’d still be sleeping, feel sick/hungover, or be too foggy-headed to motivate myself to do anything. I am so so proud of myself to be able to have weekend mornings like this and not waste days away. This is what keeps me motivated to continue being sober. :heart:

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Didn’t drink, went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. It actually worked, I stayed sober.

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Watched youtube videos and drew a few things

Clean my parents’ house which is a 2-hour drive from where i currently live. Had to go away because being alone sometimes lead to relapse

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Got up at 5am, showered, then went on a 10mile walk after breakfast…Its Monday and starting my week well has become a massive part of my recovery…Now I feel better & motivated for whatever this week throws at me…Have a great week everyone :+1:

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Welcome to The forum Andy, I hope you find this app as an important part of your recovery as I have. Congratulations on your 20 months of sobriety. Stay strong and determined my friend.

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Thanks and I’m glad to find the group…Look forward to sharing experiences with others and making new friends :+1:


I’m new to this group so hi everyone. This is day 3 of being sober for me and I’m feeling good.
First sober weekend in I don’t know when and to stay sober and focused and enjoy the seconds and minutes and the hours, I have been reading this forum, glancing at my progress, listening to new music to which I have no emotional association, drinking tea and tomato juice, cleaning, eating, researching the calories I was consuming in alcohol alone. I also listen to a chapter a day of a book I have about going alcohol free for 30 days.
Hope everyone starts the week feeling strong. Momentum!


Realised my mental anger was caused by my substance abuse

I hate to say it, but Pokemon Go with my 8 year old. Gets me outside, walking, connecting with my son, and feeling good. Please don’t tell any of my friends I actually enjoy it :sweat_smile: