Tell Us Something You Did To Stay SOBER Today!

Today to say clean o took care of my basic human needs brushed my teeth had a shower did the bedding ,made a great meal,back to basic is where I’m at ,it’s like being a toddler and learning all over to do things the right way to keep myself well


I ate, watch tv and youtube videos, and stayed in a good mindset

Didnt lift a drink


Didn’t drink, went to a meeting. Allowing the miracles of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous work in my life by staying willing to do whatever it takes to stay sober. Having a sponsor, working the 12-step program, secretary meetings, being of service. It is that simple… :heart:


The mistakes I have made as the “old me” are forgiven, and I have turned them into lessons I have learned. So I cannot feel bad about having made them, I just remind myself that I am not that person anymore and everyday gives me the opportunity to renew myself.

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I am drinking ginger ale to calm my almost 3 days sober stomach

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Was on TS quite a bit today then just finished my Women’s AA zoom. Some days I do two meetings a day.


Pray and thank God for helping to keep me sober.


The program of Alcoholics Anonymous at its core, simplified… :heart:

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I keeping it simple back to basics shower,food sleep if I get that done ATM it’s a good day.selfcare has to come before anything for me without it I’m just a drug user not using .


Homemade tortillas until my back was screaming. Mexican beans, fajitas and all the fixings goes without saying. I am in horrible pain but satisfied. I miss Mexican food so much. Hot hot hot! I love it.

That’s an awesome book!!!

Moved my whole home around watered my plants drank some coffee played with my daughter took a nap with my daughter now I’m working on a scrapbook for father’s day! It’s been about a week. Withdrawl symptoms are mostly gone. So i feel pretty good. Right now I honestly don’t feel like drinking. I feel good. I’m going to make some bomb asada for dinner!! So I’m excited for that!


Full day at work, hit another Friday night in style with some takeaway food for the family, had a blether then read my new book for the rest of the night on and off, just chilling with the multi coloured changing purifier on and calm app playing rain & thunder storm over the speaker in the back ground, very zen, very different Friday night, and very enjoyable, family all chilled out which is great. Good night all.

I didn’t drink. Lol


I went to two AA meetings and found a sponsor. I was doing well this morning and went to my daily meeting (working on my 90 in 90) - I shared something personal and got a response from the secretary that triggered some old wounds and basically I spiralled into a PTSD episode. I got home and sobbed and thought about never going back. But then I texted the woman I was hoping would become my sponsor and she called me, agreed to take me on, and met me for an evening meeting.
Still feeling sad and overwhelmed. But I didn’t drink. Hoping tomorrow will be better.


Work with another alcoholic, the meeting after the meeting… It helped me more than they will ever know. :heart:


I went for a walk. :footprints::footprints::footprints:


Looked at my kids


:+1::+1: Well done honestly !