The Feb29ers (Feb 29th, March 1st)

This is exactly why you belong here, we help each other and that doesn’t mean just when things are good.


I’ll stay of course. But relapsing on day 13 even for so little amount of Vodka makes me feel like such a big fat failure.


Your not a failure though. We only ever fail if we stop trying. The important thing to do is to analyse what led to the relapse so that you can recognise it before it happens next time. Your not the first to have a stumble and you certainly won’t be the last! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Good to hear! You are not a failure! You hopped right back on here and shared and expressed what you were going through. You reached out when you really needed support. I’m not sure I would be so brave, to be honest. I can’t tell you how many times I relapsed when I was contemplating quitting and reading along on the forum, too scared to post anything because deep down I knew I wasn’t about to quit drinking yet. From the first posts of yours I read I was impressed by your honesty, your bravery in being vulnerable and putting it all out there!

That’s right! I’m pretty sure I was the first of us to relapse (my pint last Sunday). But I came out with that to the group, picked myself up and kept going. So can you @Marisim!


Thank you. I appreciate you kind words When I had to push the reset button it hurt so bad.
I had the hardest day. Because of the Corona crisis I got notified that I need to work from home All of my social activities are being canceled, no one wants to meet up
As a result I’m forced to stay home being by myself a lot. My anxiety went extremely high.

I didn’t get any sleep for two nights in a row.

I need to start over and I was doing so good. Now I’m back on day 1 again.


you do not let anyone down love!!! you struggled. we all do. that is why we are here. how are you doing now?
you live in europe right? for the sleeping. check out

it is the best kept secret…
it has an anti histamine in it and somehow the combination with the herbs works realy good. not addictive or something your body gets used to and sleep quality is good. I treasure it and do ony take it once a week just in case… but it is great

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Sooooo… I pushed the reset button too. I thought I was strong enough to stop after one. And when I first sipped it it didn’t even taste great. I guess I have just proven to myself that I cannot handle it.


As my husband likes to say, “Into the fire once more go I!” Sounds like you’ve learned something about yourself and are back and ready to push on. Right on. Today is Friday and I’m pretty much at the point where I lapsed last time a few weeks back. Gotta keep my mind on the end game, but it’s not going to be easy today…


Oh no I’m so sorry! Let’s give it another go

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I found that too - just didnt like the taste… it’s crazy how quickly that change happened. Keep going forward, we are all here to talk it through!

Anything else you found helps with sleep?

You guys I need a little break at least for today today , but I’ll be back.


I think for the time being I’m going to keep reading Annie Grace’s book at my own pace - it’s so hard for me to stick with the short daily readings, sometimes I just need to keep reading. But I’d like to post some thoughts and points that stand out to me as I go along. I hope that’s alright with you all. If it’s getting obnoxious, just let me know.


Take care and come back when you’re ready.

For me there is not much that works. Valeriaan is good for some people. (Tea or suplements.) hop (hisop?) but can have contra-indication when using medications., so check that. Do you live in the us? Because there I believe anti histamine suplements for sleep are available over the counter(alcohol triggers histamine that triggers stress hormones in guts) . I tried shipping them once, will see if I can find them. And bananas. For the potassium. When not sleeping when you think blood sugar levels are low combine some protein with a natural sugar. (Banana, cheese, yoghurt) well… you can see I am an experienced insomniac

Unison is a good over the counter anti histamine sleep aid,I know that it’s available in the US and dive parts of Europe. It can cause pretty crazy dreams though! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Just checking in @SoulSearcher, how are you doing today?

Just wanted to check in with folks who’ve primarily been on this thread and see how things are going today/lately. I know things have been hard for a lot of us, and I know we are all doing our best, I just wanted to give a shout out for having joined in this thread and send my positive vibes your way. If I miss anyone, forgive me. Tell us how things are going? I’ll be around this evening to check back in. @Maria @Journey1 @Marisim @anon79808082 @SoulSearcher @AnonymousD @Sunsw686 @Soberwithe @CHASING_Joy @Three


Going good! Cravings are lessening and I’m feeling strong… today anyway. I’m anticipating some triggers this weekend though. I’ll be checking in tomorrow and sunday for sure.

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