The life of me (Part 1)

Oh man - that is a heavy professional and emotional load. No wonder you’re exhausted :worried:

I am sorry you’re going through this. Obviously it can’t continue forever so I hope you’re able to find relief before too long.

Take care Jenn and never give up on yourself. You deserve a safe life where you can spread your wings and be there for yourself and the people who matter to you :slightly_smiling_face:

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That sounds interesting. I love hiking, did some hikes and trips alone mostly and being alone changes a lot. You are more open to strangers I think. You don’t isolate in your group. I did some preparation hikes, sleeping outside to test the equipment which taught me and my naive thinking a lot :see_no_evil:

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Thank you for those tips. Sleeping outside and prep hikes are great ideas. I’m very excited for Monday to come so I can start at the library. I’m working all weekend and can’t make their hours till then.


Guess the major point is weight which should not be more than 15 % to max 20 % of your body weight. Seems ridiculous low but your back and feet and shoulders, well you body will thank you.

There was a backpacking or hiking thread a year ago here.

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I’ll go search for it in the afternoon. I’m about to log into work. I would not have thought of the backpack weight honestly. I probably would have just trained myself to try and carry it lol. I have a lot to learn!


Found it…

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Yay!!! Thank you :confetti_ball:

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Coming off all those rest days from working out and I’m coming down with something :cry: the hubs has been fighting a cold for a few days, today it got me also. I don’t have a great immune system so I started the day off ok then my throat started to hurt then I started coughing and now my head fills like it’s gonna explode and the coughing and sore throat. I made it through work and feel asleep on the couch after. Gonna try and get into the doctor tomorrow.

Edit to add more stuff. My sister messaged me and her husband’s brother got in a wreck last night. He was drunk and went to their house got mad about something and got back in his van to leave. It made it to the corner in front of my dads house (3 houses away, maybe a block if that). She said they watched him swerve around the road then he hit a tree and flipped his van. He has a broken leg and hip. He wasn’t wearing his seat belt and got throw around the van during the flip.


Oh my god Jenn that’s terrifying! I hope he’s ok. And I hope he gets to a program for his drinking :grimacing: I hope your sister & her husband are ok. That is such a hard thing to go through :slightly_frowning_face:

Sorry to hear you’re sick. That sucks. Hoping you get better before too long. Maybe this is a good chance to rest after all that overtime you’ve been doing :innocent:

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Other than the broken bones he is fine physically. I can’t even imagine what he is facing legally. My sis and husband are ok also. There was a cousin that was going to leave with the brother and luckily she went back in to get a plate to go and his drunk self left without her.
I had planned on cutting my overtime back this next week but now I won’t have a choice. I was gonna get back on my running but sadly I’ll have to wait. As you know I’m not very patient when I wanna do something :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m working on it but I haven’t gotten much better



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Was able to get into the doctor. Have a bacterial sinus infection. Antibiotics and ride it out. I’m guessing because I’m sickly I’m feeling more needy.

I’ve been trying to step out of my comfort zone and do more responding to people and sharing parts of my life. I’ve noticed i normally get no response to what I say but people after me will. I’m trying not to take it personal but it sure feels that way. Feeling unimportant today


You are important! I don’t respond much because I hate typing with my phone, but trust me I am always eager to hear how my dear TS friends are doing. Your workouts motivate me. I used to be in such great shape. I long to get back there, but likely never will. Keep up the good work, lady!


We are getting sober lol anything is possible! I’m not looking for responses to me on my thread per say. I’ve been trying to be helpful to others on here but I feel like my words are falling flat

Thank you for the kind words :heart:


Keep sharing your story, advice and encouragement. I am one of the many people who hardly ever respond, it’s the introvert in me, but I read a lot. Everybody has a different story, and you never know how many people you are actually reaching and helping!


I totally understand where you are coming from. If I dont get multiple likes or a response from the person I directed the message to I think that my post wasnt good.

I try to remember that in my early days there were many random threads I read that helped me. So you might help someone in the future without even knowing it. Also not everyone responds how you want them to even after they received your message.


Very true to all of that. I’m not great with putting my thoughts out there so when I do to me it’s a big deal. I suppose that’s why it got me down.

@Hidden I’ll keep on keeping on lol I just got a little discouraged ps- you know it’s means something when an introvert comes out. :heart: Thank you


Jenn I love reading your posts because you tell a full, rich, whole story. Sometimes you post about “I’m going to hike 100 miles in the blazing hot American southwest” and “half marathon? Yes please” but also “we installed some blinds” and “dogs chillin in the back yard”; you also post about loss & grief (Shady, your mother); you post about your father’s difficult-to-understand behaviour; you post about your step by step progress in regaining your arm strength. (Seriously, every time you post about some achievement with your shoulder, like a modified push-up, I’m clapping like ‘Yes! Awesome! That is awesome!’)

This community is people in recovery, learning to live sober and clear in the world, no more running to the numbness of addiction. To do that, we need to have a story, we need a narrative. You are one of the people here who invites readers in to her story, and in you, we see ourselves. There may not always be responses, but as you can see above, you are having an impact.

One of the differences between a physical community and an online community is that in a physical community you can know people are there just because they come over to visit. In an online community you don’t see that physical presence, but they are definitely there - and they definitely appreciate your journey.

Take care Jenn and remember: you’re a good person who deserves a safe, sober life where you can be your full self :innocent:


You just made me speechless and tear up. That was really sweet. The difference between online and in person is felt for sure and that probably has a lot to do with how I was feeling last night. Thank you for all the words. You really know how to make a person feel seen

Gotta go power through work. Just feeling sick today coughing and feeling congested and head is weird, like I’m dizzy. I talked to my boss yesterday and if I’m feeling terrible in a bit I’m gonna do a half day


I hope you feel better soon! That sounds really uncomfortable. Glad you were able to make it to the doctor though.

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