Ultralight Backpacking

Are there any other ultralight backing enthusiasts out there itching to get on the trail this summer?

Let’s talk gear!

I got into and fell in love with ultralight in 2013 and since expanded my rig by slimming it down. As of now my base weight is around 13lbs.

I’ll post pics of my rig this weekend.


Hey Dasindog, I’m not much of a kit builder but I hope to be! I absolutely love hiking, but day hikes are about all I can work into my schedule right now. Hopefully in the future I’ll be able to do longer multi-day hikes with several friends. Is your kit built out for a multi-day hike or mostly day hikes?


You know it, Dan. Did a bunch of trimming down this year. Base weight with everything but food and water is also 13 lbs. :blush:

Apparently that counts as “light.” :roll_eyes: It carries and lives pretty comfortably for me though, and not looking to do more than a 4 day trip yet. So not gonna fret about it beyond that for now.

I was most stoked about a new tent this year. Nemo Hornet 2 (2019). Packs great, 2.5 lbs with everything including homemade footprint, and is an absolute palace for one.


My setup is for multi day. I can do up to 3 night/4 day. I think any more than 4 days and food storage becomes an issue. I’ll usually take my pack on day hikes to get used to carrying it and “just in case”. Have been able to go on any day hikes this season yet? I’ve not yet. Hopefully I’ll get out in the next week or two if the weather cooperates!

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Few years back I dumped the tent and went with a hammock and I love it, but it’s got it’s limitations, I mean, ya gotta have trees! Not much of an issue here in the PNW, but if I wanna head up above the treeline, I’m kinda boned. My brother in law wants me to submit Mt. Adam’s with him, but I’ll need tent!

That’s a good looking tent! And only 2.5 pounds! Dayaaamn

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Ooo, I’m jelly. The thought of hammocking out in the wilds sounds so posh, but yeah. Never got over the tree requirement with high Sierras camping here.

I’m looking at the John Muir Trail as a goal for next year. That… will be seriously next level for me and take training/retooling.

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Doooood, that looks gorgeous and really, really high (and cold)! :star_struck:



Wow, kinda puts our mountains to shame! :joy:

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I’ve still got to weigh my kit from the other week. Just so I have a baseline.
I’d be interested to know.
It was pretty basic, spare set of clothing, windproof, stove, emergency shelter. Food for 24 hours.
I’ve got the Welsh 3000’s in mind. Starts at the top of Snowdon and then takes in 15 peaks over 3000ft. 30 miles.
Supposed to be able to do it in 24hours.
Though apparently fell runners can do it in 4.5 hours.

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I am quite the minimalist, and while my actual gear might not be the lightest, I don’t carry much. Overnight summer load is under 20lbs. I carry it in a hunters fannypack.


I’ll need to get you all to help me and my daughter when we get packing for our Camino in a few years. Most websites talk about needed volume but we need to have it light too. The pack themselves can be quite heavy!! Oh and footwear. Light but supportive…so confusing.

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How long is your trip expected to be?

i love ultralight backpacking! i picked up this book while in colorado and its such a well laid out book. i’d def put it on your amazon wishlist.


I d love to join you all but I’m in Germany … Have great fun!!

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I think it takes about a month to do the whole walk. I think it will depend on how hot it will be since it will likely be July or August since we’ll need to go during school break.

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Oh wow! That’s definitely a journey there! Long treks like that require a bit of a larger pack, although it all depends on how far apart your food caches are. I would definitely do several trial hikes to get an idea what you need to bring. One thing that I used to fall victim to is over packing! I’d fill every nook and cranny with stuff because I felt I may need it. But when doing multiday and/or long distance, the whole “better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it” goes out the window.

I’ll have to check out that trail, see what’s what.

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My son during our last hike (last August). Glacier Peak, in the background, is Washington’s 4th tallest mountain. This was a ~42 mile hike, took us 3 days. It pretty much kicked the poor kids ass.


I’ve seen this book around, I think it’s time to get a copy!

30 miles in 24 hours is a feat! What’s the elevation gain on it?

Also, what’s the highest peak in the UK?

That is gorgeous! And a handsome young lad to boot. So cool you get him out there with you.

We got more hiking photos over on @siand’s 2019 Hiking Club (Walking Sober) thread, too.

And yikes, @anon12657779. Yeah, 30 miles in a day is really moving! Maybe 36 hours so a guy can get a nap in? :blush:

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