The Stupid Polls thread (Part 2)

I gotta have one for when I wash one. I’m not great about the folding of laundry :joy: A lot of the time clothes just chill there and I start the dryer to get the wrinkles out.


Exactly! Sometimes I go to do laundry and my kid has it working with stuff.

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Same! I currently have 3 sets. I’m bad about swapping them out weekly, I’m trying to be better about that. I feel 4 sets might be optimal? Ealier today I ordered a sheet organizer, hopefully that will help!!


My partner loves new bed sheets and duvet sets… It’s her thing, seriously… I’m certain we might have more than the five I said in the poll. That’s a conservative, at least five!

She changes the bed all the time and I stay out of that linen cupboard as it’s mental in there, stacked like Jenga around a boiler… I am sure it’s partly obsessive, but :person_tipping_hand::person_tipping_hand::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:

I have no choice in the matter. The only set I ever purchased was this lovely and silky and cool Agent Provocateur one, which we now can’t use as the cats will destroy it.


You definitely need some form of culinary intervention, what you propose will spell the end of man kind; women will still survive as they must have different taste buds to men that is if they have any at all :rofl: :innocent:&:smiling_imp:

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Depends on how many beds, there’s 2 double, 1 kingsize and 2 single beds in our house and we’re currently running at 4 per bed which is 20 if my maths brain cell is still working.


I was still trying to wrap my head around PB and pickles. And then cheese entered the picture.
(Mind Blown) :exploding_head:


Cheese, summer sausage, PJ and jelly. :yum:


Sounds harsh
I’ll try it


Its the ultimate camping sandwich.

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Is it one sandwich or two


Sounds like 3


What’s summer sausage???


I think it’s the sausage that does not have to be refrigerated. Such as beef jerky
Or the log sausage
That’s my guess

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Correct! I do not know why it is called summer sausage nor do I know how its made (probably gratefully) but it is the sausage you can buy off the shelf at the store.
One sandwich, all the protein!

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But with pb and jelly?

Sounds rough but I’ll try it :grin:


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This guy! Honestly someone used to make them for me years ago so, like Dinty Moore beef stew, it is probably nostalgia I am pining for.


Ok I think I get it. I was thinking like Biltong, but this is like a lot thicker. Looks handy for camping though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’d give it a go.

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Salty and preserved, not as hard as biltong. I am not sure why it doesn’t need refrigeration before it is opened but I won’t think too hard about that.


So here in the Nort I need summer sheets and winter sheets and I have two pair of each. Flannel versus regular cotton.