Things you can do sober now that you're sober

I can say
I’m not the fig plucker
I’m the fig pluckers son
I’m only plucking figs
Til the fig plucker comes


LOL. This reminds me of the very many drunk texts I would send and then not remember what I had said so I’d avoid looking at them!!!


Thanks so much. I have asked him to think about his thoughts of my drinking and how it affected him. I told him that no answer could be wrong and when he’s ready we’ll discuss. Must admit this conversation isn’t one I’m inpatient about. Since becoming sober, I now live 20 minutes away from him instead of eight hours. Small one to three hour visits are taking place more frequently and I’m so thankful for that.


Oh Eric. I can so relate. My son who was having anxiety issues told me once that he had to call me earlier in the evening because he couldn’t stand to talk to me when I was drinking. So what did I do? I stopped answering the phone after I was drinking. Looking at the ugly truth, in the mirror, dead on, hurts. But it’s a necessary to keep our feet on the ground and keep us strong. Another index card in the file of “reasons to never drink again.” :heart::heart::heart: Hugs. You’re not alone.


Every post I read about us not being sober enough to talk or ignore our children on the phone brings another healing drop of tears.
My index cards are getting all wet. :cry:
It’s all good :pray:t2:


Let’s start another file! We can call it “Reasons To Love a sober Life With My Kids!” My number one index card would be to enjoy every second with appreciation that they are number one now! :hugs: I like the positive thoughts too!


I can get dressed into fancy dress and go out sober, I can dance and sing sober, without making a tit of myself and


Idk yet I still feel dead inside and no desire so y’all have ideas let me know please

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Being able to maintain my weight loss goal weight of 193 pounds + - for almost 5 months now :grinning:


Not vomit on my toddler. He just vomits on me, and that is ok! Doesn’t happen in either case when I’m shithammered!


I’m not sure I do it without making a tit of myself :see_no_evil: But I never end up feeling embarrassed about it :sweat_smile:

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Keep on keeping on friend, it gets better :pray::sparkling_heart:

Lastnight I was able to take a phone call in the evening regarding my son’s rough day at school and special education accomodations… then I called to sort out an insurance situation! It is awesome to be able to feel like a functioning member of society lol I almost caved yesterday because of all of the recent stress. I’m so glad I didn’t and I faced the issues head on instead of drowning my sorrows.


Ya that phone call thing is amazing. Don’t know if you’ve read the whole thread or not. But always being there to answer the phone when it’s your kids call or kids trouble is the way it should be. Keep on keeping on you’re doing great :+1:

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I was always there for the school calls but would let it go to voicemail and email back and not get half of the points across that I’d wanted to. It is such a good feeling to handle things as they happen with confidence! Life is good!


Contemplate accepting a position as the president of the local chamber of commerce.


Well you know how I was all choked up about not being able to take calls from my kids cuz I’d probably be to drunk at night?

Unfortunately my daughter is at the emergency vet with her cat and we are texting late night. 10:30 is late night or was late night for me. I’m sober!! And I here for her!! The old me would have been passed out by now or well into the drink and really struggling to text her. Being more concerned about me texting drunk. But I’m here. I’m sober. And I’m able to comfort her. A great win since I was feeling so guilty about this kind of situation before.

Stay sober friends. You never know when your child might need you.


I hope your daughter’s cat is okay now? :pray:t2:

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Aw. Thank you Tyler. Rasputin. The cat. Is getting an ultra sound today so hopefully they will find something out. Razzy is not a very cooperative cat at the vets. As a matter of fact he’s very very bad.

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Cool name, never heard it before :slightly_smiling_face: I hope it’s something they can easily help him with. Bless him, one of my cats isn’t a fan of the vets either.

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