Tips and ideas would be very welcome please

If anyone coud share with me tips an ideas for things that have helped you to remain sober and busy. I’d like to hear because what Ive been doing so far hasn’t helped maybe some new insight will be helpful <3 Thank you


Take suggestions, keep an open mind, try A.A. or N.A it’s all inclusive because alcohol is a drug. If you can’t make it to one there are 24/7 zoom meetings for both fellowships. Getting a sponsor, and working steps sounds pretty heavy I know but that seems to be the only thing that has worked for me personally. Others may have different recovery and that’s cool I’m no one to say what’s right or wrong. So I’ll share what helps me anyways as suggestions. Download the N.A. app, Everything A.A. app, read the daily meditations from both if you wish daily that’s what I do. Not all days are good days sometimes you have to just hang in to you’re seat and no drink no matter what. Get a good support group of women preferably but men have some good advice as well if it’s coming from the heart. If you do the meetings don’t let the word god scare you or put you off like it did me in the beginning. They are spiritual programs not religious find what works for you. I feel you I did the same thing over and over that’s the insanity part soon the same thing expecting a different result, or doin it knowing it won’t go well. Anywho that’s my advice from my experience and why I feel free today :hugs:. Hope you find what you are looking for :v:


Hi welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:
Alot of good advice given above, keep checking in and there is alot to read around here too.
You can use the search bar and lots of threads and posts on how others managed and their experiences :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, welcome!

Resources for our recovery

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Good luck!


This right here :point_up:
And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Addiction is to big to go alone.
I could never quit drinking on my own.
Dan started a great thread.



Trying every day in some way to help others like myself who have this disease. It helps me remember that I am not special, gets me out of my head and feeling good inside my own skin.
I found this through AA, as I was willing to do life differently. Every day.


Advice I received from a (very) old timer (35 years sobriety) when I was newly sober is to find something that you enjoy doing and make it a passion, find something you like to eat and eat it instead of drinking, (hers were Malteasers) and finally wash your teeth regularly and before you have that 1st drink, because alcohol tastes like shit if you’ve just washed your teeth, I haven’t tried it myself, but, one of my sponsee’s confirmed it and he’s been sober over a year now.


thank you!!! :slight_smile: