Tips on how to manage cravings

How do you guys deal with cravings aside the common ones (avoiding alcohol, not having it at home, meditation/excercise)?
I woke this morning after the first night of not drinking before bed so refreshed and motivated !!
But right now , half way through my day at work, I keep making all types of excuses in my head for me to stop and get some wine… :tired_face::tired_face:


I’ve found that AA and practicing the 12 steps has been my best defense against cravings


I have never been to AA


Keeping myself busy helps - I have very little free time. I book early morning yoga practices or give myself chores so I’m more motivated to not be hungover. I spend a lot of time visiting family, cleaning, meditation, exercising. Really, it’s about trying to find something you love just as much or nearly as much or more than booze. And using that positive activity as a way to filter out the negative one (drinking).


And like mentionned above, community helps. I don’t go to AA but I have community through yoga and on here x


It’s my second day here and it definitely is helping. Non of my family or friends know what I’m going through and have been doing… I’m too embarrassed to tell anyone I know that I’ve been an alcoholic for years!


Thank you, you are right I need to occupy myself. Maybe make a weekly schedule and try my best to follow it.

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It’s really worth checking out if you wanna stop drinking. I, or other people, would be happy to answer any questions you may have about AA


I keep a list on my phone of some of stupid, illegal, horrifying, embarrassing, disgusting things I did or that happened to me when I was drunk or high. Taking a nice long read thru those lows always brings me back to the reality of how much my drinking was killing my body mind and spirit.


I put a picture of my child as a background for this app. It definitely makes me think and try harder



For me the cravings hit every afternoon and evening too. I have spent years white knuckling it through the work day so I can get home and spend the evening in oblivion, only to wake up filling like shit and vowing never again, only to go through the same miserable cycle all over again. But by going to meetings and working the 12 steps, I’ve found that the cravings have decreased significantly and my evenings are so much more peaceful. The slogan just for today helps. I repeat it in my mind all evening. Sometimes I honestly go to bed thinking tomorrow I am free to do what I want. But by morning I never want to. Today is day 10 for me. I honestly don’t think I could have done it without walking into that meeting and getting really honest with myself and others about what I’ve been up to most evenings for the past 7 years. It was very humbling and helped me take a hard look at myself. Ugh. What a waste of my life! These 10 days have given me hope that there’s more for me in life than addiction.


For me sugar food is the best help with cravings. So I eat chocolat and I allways have lots of in my house so I’m never out of it!
It really helps me :grinning:


When I crave a drink, I first acknowledge the craving, rather than ignore it an hope it goes away. The H.A.L.T. method tells us that a craving can often be a result of one of 4 reasons, because we are either Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Whatever the reason I take action appropriately. Most times, its because I’m hungry, so I’ll eat a snack. Yogurt is my go to snack.

Another thing to think about is if you used a drink as a “time out” from day to day life. If so, you may have a craving for a time out so to speak, rather than a drink. When I drank, I would do so alone, often in my garage because that was my time in my space. I still have me time, just in a different place with different activities. It’s important to still maintain personal time and reflect on things.

That’s what works for me, perhaps you’ll find some value to it.


Thank you so much for sharing! Im going through exactly what you’re describing.
I haven’t gotten the courage to go to an AA meeting. I’m terrified of speaking in front of people! Especially about something as embarrassing as my addiction.


Thank you! I’ve never heard of H.A.L.T. method but that is making sense. I also usually crave a drink when I’m hungry. I’ll do more research about this method, thanks again!

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I was nervous AF going in! And the first half hour was so weird I felt like I had joined a cult. But after listening to everyone’s stories and being able to relate in so many ways, I knew I wasn’t alone anymore and didn’t have to do this by myself. You don’t have to say anything when you go. You can just check it out. What do you have to lose?

You are right, I have nothing to loose by going in and see if it’s for me. I’ll do some research, thank you again!


lol - I thought the same thing, but in retrospect, it’s a structured meeting which has a flow and cadence to it, and everything has a genuine purpose. It’s a kin to something like Toastmasters, where each meeting has a certain format, structure, and purpose.

When I first walked in, I though oh God, what did I get myself into. I was surrounded by a bunch of drunks, but then I quickly realized, these people are just like me, they are my people.

If you find your self struggling and alone @Lacrima, I’d suggest checking out a meeting. You can remain silent during the whole thing and just observe, that in itself is powerful.


Are those classes free?