Traveling Sober

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SOOO touristy but couldn’t resist parrot pics with my kids!!!


Yep. Pretty touristy. Got to do it though. You got some beautiful grown up children. I hope they had a blast!

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I’ve been on Bali too a few years ago. Sometimes I felt like a walking wallet :disappointed: It made me feel uncomfortable. Ubud was the crown on that in a negative way.
Have you been in the north of Bali? It’s more relaxed there. I also would recommend the island Nusa Penida if you can find the time. It’s a smaller island with so much less tourists. We have been there a few days. It’s a short trip by speedboat.
Have a great holiday!! :raising_hand_woman:


Bali, Indonesia

Over here for a friends wedding


No first time, we have no plans to do to much as it was quite short notice.

We will definitely come back again and ill definitely have a bike license by then too



Plitvice National Park in Croatia to celebrate the wife’s 40th birthday and my 6th sober birthday. I didn’t want to come home!


beautiful pics – happy 6 year soberversary! :tada: :tada:

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Wow gorgeous pics!!! Happy birthday to your wife and a huge congratulations to u on ur 6 years of freedom!

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Ah thanks guys, one day at a time :+1:

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Happy birthdays you two @nick_1985 thanks for the beautiful pics…now i wanna go to Croatia


Thank you! Can’t wait to go back! Maybe when it’s a bit cooler though! :hot_face:


What made you choose Croatia to travel to?

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I didn’t it was a surprise for the wife’s birthday and I knew the lakes at Plitvice were on her travel bucket list, she had no idea where we were going till we got to the departure gate. It’s somewhere I’d never considered personally but it was absolutely amazing. Quite expensive in places, but so was alcohol and cocaine and I never grumbled at the price of that. Very hot though, we tripped over to Bosnia one of the days and it was 102f

Edit:- 112f!


Cool! Bonus points for picking wifes bucket list destination. Its awesome how travel opportunities seem more a possibility the more money you save on abstaining from drugs and alcohol

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Correct, those holidays that were always “too expensive” become far more affordable when you’re not spending £500 a week you don’t have on drugs and drink its also a fantastic gift given to us how we consider others and those closest to us.

My ex would have gotten a trip to the pub and the lovely present of carrying me home on her own birthday when I was using and drinking. Amazing how things change.


This is our prep weekend before Costa Rica, we leave at 0 dark early on Monday, we’ll see sunset in San Jose! I’m psyched - it’s the first time we’ve been on vacation for two entire weeks!


Oh where ya going in costa rica @SinceIAwoke ?? I hit tamarindo, monteverde, la fortuna, san miguel. Love love loved it!!

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San Jose, Tortuguero, Sarapiqui, Arenal volcano, Carara National Park, then back to San Jose. Two nights in each place, pretty much.


Have a fantastic time!! I hope you get clear skys for the arenal volcano

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