Truth and Tough Love #3

We are all the hero of our own story.

One of the hardest things about being in long term recovery is the continued growth that is required. Part of my growth has been learning how to be objective in my self reflection. This means looking at my own behavior through the lens of other people.

Like any person I have conflicts and disagreements in my life. And like any person my first instinct is self protection. I want to focus on what they “did to me”. But I know that mindset is not useful so I do not stay there long. I can then get to the self reflection stage where I can look at my part in the conflict, but I’m still looking at the conflict through my own lens. This is a good place to be, but it really limits how much resolution I can get. If I’m still viewing it through my lens, there’s a good chance I’m still the hero.

I’m good days, when I’m really remembering all the work I’ve done, i can step outside of my own lens and view the conflict from the other person’s perspective. From here I am able to mend fences, create empathy, and truly be sorry. I do not do this perfectly. I do not do this every time. But I try.

I see conflict written about here many times a day. And this is as safe a place as any to vent. But if you find yourself in persistent conflict it may do you well to recognize and correct your own behavior instead of worrying about the behavior of others. I’m not saying to fall on every sword you see, but I’m guessing your part in the conflict is much larger than you realize and that you are not without blame


Considering that my part always includes how I react to the conflict, and what value I place on being in the right, it’s going to be the greater part of all conflicts of my day.


Much like there is no problem a drink can’t make worse, there is no conflict that my reaction can’t make worse. It would be really helpful if I could start at the place where I can view a conflict through someone else’s lens, because it would probably start most conflicts before they start. However, most times it take some pain before I can get there.


I decided to check out a different meeting today and there was a person coming back. Shaking real bad, looking pretty rough, typical relapse stuff. The chair person asked for a topic so I suggested the first step since we had someone coming back.

Well she immediately piped up that she didn’t need any help with the first step as she already knew all about it. However, if she’s out there relapsing she clearly doesn’t know enough about it.

I get that level of alcoholic hubris as I once had it myself. But in reality if I’m continuing to relapse I clearly don’t know shit about staying sober.


Reaching out for help after you relapse is like calling the fire department after your house is already burned down.


100% Truth. But just maybe some of the fire department members do jobs on the side and can help with building a new house…


Life is only as hard as we make it. People like us have this natural talent to take challenging situations and make them 100% worse.

Do yourself a favor today and get out of your own way.


Amen. Bookmarked this gem and set a reminder :pray:

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