Truth and tough love

:joy: :joy: :joy: I see your in the festive mood

It was a really slow day at work. I left a little early bc Shay isn’t feeling well so I’m going to be with Ella while she naps.

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Bless, hope she feels better soon. Means you get to play with your beautiful little girl and her new presents (any excuse to play with toys) :grin:

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What I’ve learned to do is take a piece of paper. Write everything bad that could come out of drinking and everything good not drinking. Put it in my wallet. When I get thirsty I pull it out and read it. If I(and I mean I) choose to take the ship, then I cant wake up and bitch about relapsing and having a bad day. Cause I already knew what I was getting into.


I freaked out thinking I posted in the wrong thread cause of the change!


A note to anyone who might be prepared to give me advice, tough love, compassion, hugs, whatever IF I relapse (and yes, that includes ONE drink for me). If I am in that state, I’m sure I won’t be thinking straight, so writing this down in the tough love (oops, I mean hugs thread) whilst I have a clear head.

  1. I hope I feel shit because I would have just poisoned myself.
  2. I hope I feel shit because I would have let myself and my self respect down.
  3. That said, I can’t wallow on my pity pot and turn it into a reason to drink more.
  4. I need to call my sponsor and fess up.
  5. I need to go to a meeting and fess up.

I do not want any “don’t worry, it’s ok, relapse is part of the process” guff.

All I want is (1)-(5) above. After I’ve done (4) and (5), a bit of “get back on the horse” and “we still love you” and “don’t use this as a reason to keep drinking” encouragement would probably be helpful.

Just putting that out there…


If I relapse please donate to recovery services instead of flowers at my funeral


Got to admit, if you relapse and die, I probably wouldnt go to your funeral. Too many kids to take care of and not enough money to dedicate towards a dead guy. :joy::joy:


I’m his unofficial campaign manager, if you’ve seen prior threads dedicated towards Derek.

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@Mephistopheles and @DungeonMaster thank you so much for the concern with my well-being…

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Well I think @aircircle nailed it.

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Just make sure your will specified leaving your feet to some school of podiatry.


I find that it works because I’m not really praying for their sorry ass. I’m praying to release my own resentment because it can kill me. And I can’t even start praying for someone until I am willing to change my attitude towards them. So my prayers are to be granted serenity and acceptance and release from fear for me, in relation to them. Self serving for sure, but it works for me.


My ego is so big I imagine everyone would want to read mine :yum:

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No you’re a fucking alcoholic


Barely around for months and you come back for this :rofl:

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Just been taking a break from my phone and living in the real world and my AA group which is this magical little place I found about 20 months ago :grin:.


Lol. One of the first thing I shared when I figured out what an ego was was “my ego is so fucking big that I think I don’t have an ego”


And this my friend, is the answer to almost every question I see on this forum. Because you are a fucking alcoholic!


Atta boy Derrik