Truth and tough love

Yeah, you always have to try and figure out the common denominator…sometimes it’s yourself.


Like my Gramps used to say: If you run with the wrong crowd, you are the wrong crowd.


I’ve been the common denominator several times before, sad to say.


Haven’t we all?


Still am over here! At least now that I know when I’m the one that stinks and how to take a bath it doesn’t have to smell as often. :roll_eyes:



Yes! It is an intentional interruption in the recovery process. Saying it’s “part of recovery” is like saying car accidents are part of driving. The sad part is there aren’t seatbelts and airbags in relapse. A relapse can lead to death.


Terminal uniqueness is going to be the down fall of many people here. You are not special, or different, or misunderstood. You are an alcoholic. You can get sober just like the rest of us. Through surrender and hard work. No clever little catch phrase can keep you sober. If you don’t put in the work, you are going to drink again.


But, but, you don’t understand. I have problems. I have issues. I HAVE A WEB DIAGNOSIS Damnit! They’re mine. They define me. They give me excuses and justifications for everything I do. You can’t take them from me. Don’t you know that flaws make diamonds unique? See what I did there? If you take these away, then I have to face the fact that I didn’t try hard enough. You and your truth…Bastid.


That’s it. Try hard enough! Not “oh I’m not going to drink now” at 8.00 in the morning then “well I did that, let’s have a beer to celebrate!” at 18.00 in the evening.
If you want to do it, do it. But be aware it ain’t no cakewalk!!:grinning:


Shackleton didn’t head to to Antarctica because it was easy. He didn’t die when everything went wrong, because he was willing to do whatever it took to live.


AHH Stevie, I love that story. I’ve read just about everything that has been written. When I was at school and growing up it was all about Scott. And not taking away anything that he did. Shackleton’s story is sooooo much better.
Not one of his men died, not one. And say what you will about his personal life, he must have been one hell of an inspiration to his men!

I’m upset that I actually went to South Georgia but didn’t know the story then. But I suppose I know that I have stood in the same place as a great leader of men!


There was a time where I thought about taking a contract to “winter over” at one of the polar stations. The thought of it fascinated me. Then I got real: Dude, you are prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder. They drink a lot there. You’d be better off counting coup on a grizzly bear, or swimming with tiger sharks, as your death would at least be quicker.


One thing that drives me crazy is when people bemoan their situation and blame their use on the people surrounding them. I had a lot of psychological trauma, so I use. I have no support at home and no one that really loves me, so i use.

If you dont want to scar yourself for life or otherwise end up in a casket, remove yourself from that situation and be your own support. Only you gets you sober.


Yeah I certainly romantasied about trying to get out there. A couple of years ago a read a lot of books on the subject. All about Scott, Shackleton, that Norwegian guy😂. And Ranulph Fienes. I read all his books as well. Great people with the spirit to get up and do something.


I’ve been fascinated by bold individuals. Cortez, burning his ships and leading a small compliment of soliders into then unknown, conquering an empire. Erickson, pointing his open longboats west to see what is there. Confident enough in their abilities to take risks, with uncertain rewards.

Like we say in my profession: Timid salespeople have skinny kids.

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Yes me too. These are the people who helped bring humanity to where we are now. What do you they’d say about how we are treating their legacy?
It’s the same sort of mind set for the special operations guys. Get in there and get the job done, no matter what. I did post a thread about this a while back. I’ve been reading books about them and how tough their lives are. It has helped me in the fact that we all, if we have to, can find the resolve, determination and strength to continue and get the job done!

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My favorite movie is “The Edge”.

“Say it Bob: What one man can do, another can do.”

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Getting to the “bottom of why you drank” is not going to keep you sober unless you are willing to change that behavior. If you drink because you are depressed are you willing to get professional help? If you drink because you are lonely are you willing to go out and socialize? All the self-reflection in the world isn’ t worth a damn unless you plan on doing something about it. That’s why steps 6&7 immediately follow steps 4&5.

Recovery is something that you can definitely overthink. You can look and analyze and reflect until you are blue in the face, but in the end only direct action can lead you out of your addiction. I tend not to push spirituality to much on this thread, but honestly, having any higher power (not just God) makes the journey so much easier.


Are you looking for the help you need or the advice you want to hear?