I have to say that today even a thought of my brains under influence of alcohol makes me sick. And i know i couldnt stop. Id had to go all the way through it.
Also acknowledge a self destructive part in me that would in case of some tragedy punish myself of the pain with more pain. So the possibility of relapse is lurking all the time behind the corner.
Edit for me the step work is inevitable, as well as the other people in aa (isolation is poison), and then there is discipline. Thats why i like so much your philosophy & way of thinking
Is that statistic solely from overdose deaths, strictly?
Because you could make the argument that number is even higher when you take into consideration the people who die from abusing drugs/alcohol for so long/so heavily that they develop an additional disease (heart failure, kidney failure, cirrhosis, etc) that ends up causing their death, as well as people who commit suicide due to their addictions.
Reported overdoses only. Doesn’t account for drunk driving accidents or any medical issues. I’m sure the number is much higher. It’s sad for sure, but it’s also terrifying. Addiction is like a fuckin plague. It’s worse than AIDS at it’s peak.
This resonates with me. The difference between drinking me, and sober me, is my self-inflicted pain and discomfort now actually makes me stronger. Instead of my 6:15 glass of wine, it’s now a 6:15 martial arts class. Instead of waking at 4am to try to shake off a hangover, it’s preparing my mind, body, and spirit for a workout and the day’s battle.
I dont know if it s some kind of aggression that lies beneath, but the idea of a punching bag is constantly in my mind And the idea of testing my limits with even dangerous ways. I wish ill be able to turn it to something positive and constructive.
Edit maybe the wisdom is that it shouldnt be so much about me, but the others
Sadder for me, as a bunch of these are veterans. Not to diminish the destruction this causes on anyone. However, military veterans make up 4% of the general population, but are overrepresented in all the tragic addiction-related categories.
I think I saw/read that addictions and mental health (which, let’s not fool ourselves, go hand in hand) are the reason why we are seeing the first decrease in life expectancy in centuries. Overdosses, illness, suicide…it’s a fucking crisis. Sadly media and government only talk about opioids (which IS a serious issue, but only a drop in the bucket really). Our provincial government is actively making policies to decrease cost of beer, increase access to pot, allow for more outdoor partying (tailgating specifically). It’s all because the premier is a privileged partier himself but he doesn’t realize he is contributing to the death of the citizens he’s leading. Grrrr. So fucking frustrating.
Hitting a bag is constructive. I recommend one of these reflex bags for anyone who wants to reduce stress, improve fitness, and increase mental focus, without a lot of bone crushing impact.
The fact that we don’t take better care of our veterans in general is disgraceful. I don’t know much about it and I won’t pretend that I do, but I know that it is a problem.
Towards the end of the Roman empire, when this once powerful society had grown weak and decadent, those in power placated the masses with free bread, and cheap entertainment. They gave them bread and circuses.
Very similar politics here although our premiere is a decent one. Booze is one of the important finance sources for our government because of the monopoly system in supply. Cheaper, easier, everywhere… and what i know alcohol related diseases, accidents etc are the top death reason of our population
I agree . Maybe not as malice but for me I think it was in my early days on here it was like WOAH. give me a minute ! But I have been on and off here since October. Gradually moving my journey forward and I know @Englishd means nothing but tough love … And it IS love. I don’t doubt that now.