Truth and tough love

Kratom is still trash


When the 2 individuals (the one administering the tough love, and the one recieving it) do not have a connection…i.e…therapist client, 2 family members, ect…2 weeks is about what is the norm. Tough love, decades ago fell out of favor in the therapeutic realm, with the exception of when there is a close connection. To each their own.


Hahaha you have to take so much to get a fake heroin like effect. One night my roommate came back his nose caked in the stuff. Looking straight ridiculous :joy:


@anon67035918, I think you have a good point.

Oftentimes, people have offered solutions in my life that simply weren’t effective to me. And I’ve been guilty of doing the same to others.

There is no “one size fits all” theory that works for everyone. We’re all different. I’m learning that it’s unwise to simply tell others, including newbies, how to do recovery. More appropriate to just share what’s been working for me.


This has been my experience:

Most addicts are addicts because they are trying to escape something. The addiction is a maladaptive coping mechanism. Using any substance as a means of coping with life is irrational thinking.

The only way to address irrational thinking is by direct confrontation.


I sense new appreciation and gratitude, great stuff. So many of my perspectives on things have changed and are changing as I slowly digest the words of others over time. If I don’t truly listen to things that challenge me and make me uncomfortable, I don’t get to have that growth, and I deprive myself.

I’m still a long ways from finding my balance. When I am trying to be gentle, I can lose clarity or directness, or distract from the core message I want to express, or be ineffective at indicating the seriousness and severity of the situation. If I am trying to deliver tough love, I have to be careful to avoid being insulting, judgemental, adding fuel to flames or my ego, or creating an impression or environment of exclusion. To make it worse, I never know how well I translate to other people or how the person will recieve it.

I think being as patient and accepting as we can of different communication styles is what makes it all work. Division into cliques and factions whose members do nothing but agree with each other serves no one.


There’s a certain serenity in knowing that all the problems in my life are of my own creation. It’s so much easier to change one thing (myself) rather than trying to change everything and everyone.

So I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but whatever problem you are facing is your own fault. So go out there and fix it. And if it ain’t your fault, then it ain’t your problem, so let it go.



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I feel personally attacked

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Have you seen the documentary on the law of attraction? It’s called the Secret. You would find it interesting I bet


O watched it rehab. Every day we had to do a check in from 1-10. No matter how shitty, tired, withdrawal I felt, I always said I was a 10. My rehab went a lot better that way


See, I don’t think I was actually faking it. I literally think I believed it. I dunno, it’s tough to explain

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I really like the idea of law of attraction, too me it makes perfect sense and it’s so simple but so effective. Like Derek says, when I step in shit it’s almost always my own shit I step in.



Nikki Sixx is sober. Just sayin’


Def an interesting watch, maybe I should watch that again since its been a while. Thanks for the reminder!

You are so clever @Mephistopheles

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Oh man, this is my new wallpaper.

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This one is pretty good too…


I go to meetings so I can get a sponsor. I got a sponsor so I could work the steps. I work the steps to build a relationship with my Higher Power. I build a relationship with my Higher Power so I can be of services others. I am of service to others by going to meetings.

I’m not saying you won’t stay sober if you don’t do these things. But I am saying that if you do this these things, in this order, then you will stay sober.