Truth and tough love

That was never in question. Thank you for your advice it’s appreciated

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I guess we all react differently to different personalities that’s what makes us unique. X


Mines called Jacob, the Alcohol Services I went to was based in a place called Jacobs House and whilst I’m eternally grateful to them, Jacobs is a place I’ll very happily not go again (unless I needed to then of course I would) so I’m happy to regularly tell Jacob to F@&* off


That made me laugh out loud so much​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::kissing_heart:


Yes I did thank you x

I thought you did anyways Tomi! :joy::joy::joy:


Excellent strategy!!! If people stay sober out of spite towards me then they are still sober! :rofl:


LOLZ - I nearly coughed smoothie out my nose. :rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


Were you actually drinking a smoothie tho?


You know it - every day!!


Joke? That was no joke, that was simple administration of a little truth and tough love sir! Now if you’ll excuse me…hops up on the bandwagon …Fuck off Derek! :joy:


Y’all MFers are gonna get got


Bluff called. Shit.


I love your attitude to never giving up … i love your honesty and strength… I’m so happy to be part of your journey x

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Thank you, Natalie. And you’re showing such great strides of progress, even with so many challenges in your life. It’s not been an easy road, but it’s truly worth it.


I’m in no way averse to tough love honestly I think my point has been lost in translation. By all means use tough love and WILL someone to take it and I’m not saying @Englishd doesn’t have others best interests at heart BUT, what I do have an issue with is that when a message is coming across as someone demanding you take advice and change your mindset just like that when they have stated that it took them a long time to get there. As I’ve said before I don’t want babied and I don’t make excuses for my relapses as I know they are all me. I just feel that the wording of things could be “tough love” without coming across hypocritical. Maybe it’s just a personality clash but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person feels that way. I’m not trying to create animosity im simply saying things as I see them and I also understand your analogy totally. I’ve been told I can mute the thread and I could ? But I haven’t said I never get anything from it just sometimes I feel I need to speak out and surely that’s ok?? Thanks for taking the time to give me your view though, it IS appreciated


I don’t see who he’s demanding follow his tough love though. If he were coming to this thread, or someone else’s thread and specifically pointing someone out or tagging them then I could see your point.

My SIL said some very harsh things to me when I first got sober, and they had our kids. I loathed her for it, and yet I still knew she was right, that’s what really hurt. I needed to hear that, I needed that ribeye on the trash can lid cause I was a lowbottom drunk. All I had been givin before was words of encouragement and positive reinforcements. Her words gave this raging bull more bit to chew on, her tough words helped keep me sober. I’ve only recently apologized for all the terrible things I said and thanked her for her tough love.

Take what you want and leave what you don’t.


I’ll agree to disagree, anyway I said what I felt I’ve no need to respond further. Thank you though


Thank you that sums it up perfectly x


I think it harsh when a particular user is confronted directly with “tough love”, can be risky, especially when the written word can be misinterpreted. Now the “truth” may be 100% accurate, it might not have the intended effect.

But an “if the shoe fits, and I’ve worn this particular shoe, wear it” approach is taken, I think it can be quite helpful while taking a bit of sting off the truth.