Totally agree. This isnt directed at anyone. It’s a cry for people to listen. Not everyone is ready for this form of criticism.
Absolutely it is indeed
I think it’s sarcasm
The meme I posted
Chocolate cake has its place though!!
Yeah, being second fiddle to all pie. And cheesecaketart
I thought it was cheesecakepie. Now where’s the tart come from?
The last poll I did had tart as the leading cheesecake identity so I went with the group conscience.
Plus a tart is just a fancy pie
More like a modern colloquialism for when you find a funny meme that seems to be directed solely at yourself. For example, I always equate self-care with indulgence of things that make me happy, yet are not particularly harmful. Then this person goes and posts a meme shooting my theory to shit. I now feel personally attacked by said meme.
I must be getting old, I can’t keep up with all these Identity changes.
I’ll stick to my cake and eat it thanks.
YEEEESSS! More members for #teamcake shakes fist angrily at the pietards
Eat shit, or cake, and die.
Yeah that’s been the gist of the debate so far: eat shit or eat cake, thats why I picked cake…why some of you guys are so insistent on eating shit I’ll never know
And a turnover is an introverted pie.
This is a testament to how delicious pie is. You cant even tell that someone cooked their own bowel movement into it, because it is so dang good.
Eat chocolate cake in an Epsom salt bath in a suspension chamber…you will meet Elvis and devolve to a lower hominid. Eat pie in the same scenario, and you will become a being of light, able to pass through solid objects.
It’s science. Deal with it.
He’s one voice, crying in the wilderness: “Get sober, and stay that way”. He’s the John the Baptist of TS.
The apple is delicious, and the cherry pie…goodgoobledygoo is it good.