Trying to quit1

I’ve been trying to quit drinking for some time and it’s becoming quite difficult to control. Any help or suggestions?


Welcome! This is a great first step. Read everything you can on here, participate, reach out when you need help


Its tough we cant do it alone. Good to see you here.


Welcome! Opening up here is a good start. Addiction thrives in secrecy. Opening up & reaching out for help is a first step to change.

Meetings are a helpful place to listen and learn. Don’t be shy. Everyone there has been through exactly what you’re going through:

Online meeting resources

Podcasts about addiction help open up your eyes too. There’s a lot of good ones:

Resources for our recovery

Take care & never give up. You are a good person who deserves a safe, sober life where you can be your full self.


I’m following this because I’m right there with you.


Read, read and read…there is loads of info to find here. Use the magnificent glass to find everything you wanna read about.
And come here when you feel the urge to drink ore use. Talk about it with us, it helps!
It keeps me sober for years now.


Maybe we can help each other in the journey.


Keep trying because one of those times you will succeed. First part is actually realising and admitting out loud that drink is the evil enemy. Im the same. Lots of relapses. On day 7 now again and I am determined this is my sober journey this time! Besides hurting everyone else around me it’s for myself too! It’s just a poison in your body and makes you feel so bad, as well as all the bruises that you can’t remember and trying to remember where you hid the bottles :expressionless:. We can do this coz ill bet you have overcome so much more in your life and have so much to be proud of :muscle::muscle:


Great outlook.

Hi, this community is a good place to reach out. My story is that 2 years ago i wrote a post or comment here, don’t remember, and one guy was texting with me here while i was struggling and coudn’t quit. He really supported me with kind words and shared his experience, told me about meetings. I was afraid to go to AA, but after his messages i gave it a try and it worked for me, not only to stay sober but to fix self-esteem, relationships, intellect and ability to live through any hard times. I wish you all the best, try the resouces, don’t blame yourself if you can’t quit all at once, keep reaching out, recovery communities help a lot.


Try a meeting they will make it easier wish you well


The more i tried to control my drinking the more out of control i became, the more that it controlled me. Hope your doing alright tonight, just hang in there

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