TV Series' - What Are We All Watching?

I’m a huge Letterkenny fan as well. Check out Shoresy if you haven’t. Season 2 came out a few months ago. Trying to get into Reservoir Dogs as well, but the end of Football season has gotten in the way.


I liked Loudermilk and I will check out Shoresy.


I have four episodes of Loudermilk left! Really liked it. The episode with Lissie was so golden, I love Lissie.

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I love this show!! So good and felt like it didn’t get the attention it deserved. Appa was so funny :rofl:


Enjoyed reading everyone’s responses the last few days. Now I have a list of shows to watch!
Since I just finished monarch legacy of monsters (it was good!) Thinking im going to start watching ted lasso next?


Ted Lasso is a sweet hug to humanity. It comes off a little too sweet for the first episode or two but it is lovely. I will randomly watch an episode when I need a pick up. Enjoy!


I really enjoyed Kim’s convenience. I heard the cast weren’t too happy though.


Finished first two seasons! Really liked it. I watched them out of order tho because I watched darkness first. Basically just filled in the backstory of the main character after I watched season 1 after season 2. I look forward to seeing the third. My free trail is about to run out haha

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Oh great stuff. I did the exact same, accidentally watched them in the wrong order :rofl:

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I’m halfway through (the final) season 7 of The Shield. Looking forward to watching something else.

The new seasons of the Law & Order franchise start this week :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Good luck with season 3.
First 2 seasons were great!

All Rise. Just watched the trailer. Looks right up our alley. Thanks :pray:t2:


I feel ya. Does this include performers in bands/groups, or just singing alone?

I LOVE Letterkenny! That last and final season was bittersweet for me. I may have been cutting onions that last episode. :cry:

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It really is right up my alley – LOL - sad to see that it is cancelled.

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Nope. Oddly only on TV. Nothing gets me cringy faster than an off tune sung declaration of love. Remember the TV show Sally Jesse Rapheal? She would always have people on who wanted to sing to their crushes to declare their love. Then the audience was trapped for 3 minutes while the singee (in this case person getting sung to) squirmed around waiting to tell them they thought of that person as just a friend. Scarred me for life. Or maybe my 80s memories are highly skewed, maybe this was only one episode. :thinking::grimacing:

Aaaaanywho Letterkenny was a gem of a show. So smart and way more fighting than I expected to be okay with. Pitter patter.


Steeewert. :joy:

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Tulsa King
Stranger Things


The otha daaaaaaay

Just finished up the innocence files on Netflix it was a really interesting look at some cases in which the wrong person was put in jail for crimes they didn’t commit.

Also, watched Chowchilla on Max about a bunch of kids and a bus driver kidnapped in the 70s and buried alive but escaped.

Been on a true crime kick for a bit! I actually find hearing about how substance abuse factored into criminals and victims lives helps reiterate how wonderful sobriety is and what the opposite can do to people’s lives.


Finished louder milk, definitely enjoyed it. Was a great replacement for lunch time in the absence of Ted Lasso and Kim’s convenience! Need something else now to fill this lunch time slot and I think it’s going to be EASY. sounds good. Anyone watched it?


Watching 3rd season of upload on prime


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