My boyfriend was on Suboxone for about 9 years but still did coke on the weekends and drinks vodka every night. Several months ago he decided he wanted to get off suboxone in an attempt to be actually clean. The withdrawl was hard for him to get through and lasted a little over a month. He discovered Kratom and it helped him with the withdrawl symptoms very much, but by the time the suboxone withdrawl was finally ending he was already up to taking FOUR $20 concentrated kratom shots plus kratom powder every single day, and became completely addicted to kratom. Spending over $80 a day on kratom alone robbed us financially and now several months later he hasn’t made a payment on his truck or his camper (which we live in because we travel for his job) for 3 months and we are at risk of losing our home and his truck. He knows he’s hurting me and our relationship but he really just doesn’t care. He’ll tell me he will work on quitting but then just lies and tries to hide it from me instead. He went one day without kratom and that night he violently withdrew and was jolting and uncontrollably throwing himself around in bed ALL night. Tonight he said he doesn’t care about losing me over kratom but then a few minutes later came back with saying that if I let him do pain pills for 3 days it will get the kratom out of his system without feeling the withdrawl and that since he’ll only do the pain pills for 3 days he won’t get addicted or withdrawl from it. Perc 30’s were his drug of choice when he was getting high before the suboxone so I’m terrified that if he really does this in an attempt to get off kratom, it will just put him right back down a dark path. He is also drinking at a minimum half a litre of vodka every single day, sometimes a little more. Ever since he got off suboxone he has turned into a lying selfish horrible person. He has already made it clear that he doesn’t care if he loses me over his addictions but I just don’t want that to be true. I want to hear from you guys because you know how an addict’s brain works and I want to know what you guys think he should do and what you guys think I should do…
I think that it is his addiction brain talking that wants to do his drug of choice… If he goes back on pain pills that can definitely lead to the needle fast… I’ve seen it happen to my little sister… You said since he got off Soboxone he’s turned into a lying selfish person, he still did coke and drank while on it though… Could he possibility get back on that, get him a little less selfish then maybe get him some help for his other drug/drinking problem? If this continues I fear you may end up homeless and be in even more serious trouble… This has to be terrifying… Sorry to hear your going through this… Hang in there girl…
The substances are largely irrelevant, heroin was my doc so I understand your worry about him getting physically addicted again. For sobriety from hard drugs to stick you can’t half arse it, you have to abstain from all drugs, that includes cocaine, weed, alcohol, kratom and whatever else he decides to take.
Stopping suboxone in an attempt to get clean, how would you suppose that would work when he was snorting cocaine and drinking.
There are two aspects to this, firstly in going on to another substance he wasn’t addressing the reasons why he used drugs, the drug taking and drinking is but a symptom of the larger issues.
Secondly even if he was to go through withdrawals he is only going to end up back there as he has just been replacing one drug for doesn’t matter what he is taking if he is taking anything he is going to end up straight back where he began anyway.
He needs to go to rehab and get to some NA meetings where he can learn that the only way to succeed is through complete abstinence from all mind altering substances.
Does he genuinely think that he can get clean by taking pain pills or does he genuinely just have no clue about what is required to do this.
Some of that may sound harsh but he needs to hear it as do you. You have to be careful that your not enabling him. I’ve been through cold turkey off of heroin and I went back to it because I thought that i could still take benzos.
I wish you both the best
I don’t see the point in stopping taking suboxone to get clean when using cocaine and alcohol anyway, it is typical addict behaviour, sadly it’s the type of behaviour that suggests someone is nowhere near ready to abstain and get themselves in to recovery.
Thank you, for a second I was feeling so desperate for him to quit the kratom and choose our family again that I wanted to believe it would be okay and actually work if he just did the pills for a few days… but deep down I know that couldn’t be reality. If he won’t get off kratom and just endure the withdraw for a couple days then I certainly can’t trust him to use worse drugs to get off of it without going down an even darker path.
You’re probably right… I’ve never taken it… My sister use to take it and smoke meth… I didn’t see where it helped her any… She’s currently in jail… I only suggested that in an effort to get him in a less selfish state then possibly onto a more serious go at it…
He’s gonna have to put it down…
It sounds like you have done to that important realisation
Thank you for your input, he’s done heroin and I think he did say he withdrew from that cold turkey at least once as well, I try not to pry and just let him tell me the bits and pieces he’s comfortable telling me about his past. I think he knows he has to abstain from all mind altering substances but just doesn’t want to. It feels like he’s satisfied with just abstaining from ‘hard’ drugs but how long can that go on before he slips further? Alcoholism and drug addiction runs in my family so I have worked hard my whole life to never try anything at all even once so that I never become an addict myself, I don’t have kids yet but I want to raise a healthy family that is educated on addiction so that they can be mindful to never start but I can’t do that with someone like my boyfriend who still thinks some drugs or occasional drugs are okay.
You can use suboxone to get fired with no issues at all and if five correctly very little withdrawals.
What I was getting at was I can’t understand the need to stop the suboxone as using Coke and alcohol means that your attention clean so even if he hadn’t switched to kratom and had successfully gotten off the suboxone he still wouldn’t have very clean.
Sadly again this is how our addict brains try to confuse and trick us.
I’m sorry to say this but if he isnt going to change any time soon you sound consider leaving him.
It sounds like the only way for him to get clean at the moment would be through a good rehab.
Please be mindful of how all of this affects you, there are specific programmes for the family members and partners of addicts and alcoholics because it has a massive impact on you too.
In my experience and from what I’ve learned in NA is that all drug roads lead to the same place, back to our drug of choice
Got ya… Yes so very true…
So about him getting off suboxone to be clean, he did stop doing coke on the weekends once I moved in with him, it was probably another couple months after that that he decided to then get off of suboxone. He always drank though and he seems to think that alcohol isn’t a problem like drugs but yet he drinks half a liter a day and every thing we do in the evenings has to revolve around his vodka. He had such honest intentions when he got off of suboxone, he really did want to be better and had plans of stopping the drinking too but the withdraw really took a toll on him and I don’t think he was prepared for life without suboxone because he never addressed the root of the issues that cause him to use drugs to escape reality in the first place.
You’re correct % they are not ok and they will lead back to the beast of drug’s unless he gets help and gets himself clean…
If you don’t see a future with him you have to leave…
You can’t let somebody drag you out to living in the street because they refuse to try… I’m sorry you’re going through this…
Ah I had misunderstood bit yes alcohol is still a drug and to be successful we need to about it really.
You seen to have a very good understanding of this so that can only help.
Look up local NA meetings and try to talk him in to going along to one with you, it wound need to be an open one if you are going.
Maybe he will go if your going. It sounds as though he does want sobriety but he is just getting tripped up by things like alcohol. I hope he gets the help that’s needed.
Look in to a rehab you can get it paid for by Medicaid
If I may, don’t allow someone to be your priority if you are only an option for them. It may be time to get yourself to a safer environment, even if just for a few weeks.
And getting to the root of our problems is the ONLY way to fix them… I can see you understand that… If it were my husband/boyfriend I’d give him one last choice… Get help or I’m gone…
You deserve a happy life with all those things you stated above… Don’t forget that no matter what you do…
And the project is definitely won’t help just hinder.
Kratom queue by attaching outside to our opioid receptors in our brains, it is likely that he wouldn’t even be able to tell that he had stopped taking it as the pills will directly replace it but he then has to stop taking the pills so is just going to go through the same withdrawals then.
Does he see this pattern as clearly as you do?
At this point I agree with @anon13078412. I’d be thinking about rehab again. To be having those kinds of withdrawal symptoms and so focused on more substances as a solution doesn’t sound like one I’d chance unsupervised.
And for you is there any kind of support for those affected by addiction? Al-Anon folks may have some great suggestions for helping be sure you are well.
Drinking was my main issue but I’ve suffered many others in the past couple years bc of it. I got addicted to opiates when I went on probation and couldn’t drink for 6 months. After basically going broke I used kratom to get off opiates. I’ve been on and off it for 2 years and it is an addiction. But for me, much much less expensive than pills. If he was already addicted to opiates before, he will go thru withdrawals after using them for 3 days. I still would go thru it even if I hadn’t touched them in months and just did 1 oxy. Then I’d be right back on kratom.
It sounds like he is horribly abusing kratom which can be detrimental to his liver and kidneys after long term use. Especially mixed with that much booze. I take the minimum amount I need to feel better and have been working on cutting out doses. I spend $50 for a bag of powder, take it 3-4 times a day, and it lasts me 2 weeks so he must be taking, to me, an unimaginable amount at a time.
I know I definitely have my own issues I’m still dealing with, but yay! No alcohol in over a month. Bc of that my life has improved immensely already and I know I have to cut the other things out eventually. But from the sound of your story, your bf is really struggling with his addictions. Replacing one thing for another doesn’t actually work. Bc theres always something. Think of yourself and what you need. If he chooses drugs over you, you deserve better.