Vape life!

Your the States aren’t you, I think you can get them there for around forty bucks and I saw a post of yours on this thread about your coils going rubbish on you, if you buy the mesh coils for this tank they last a good while, way longer than the inner style coils :+1:

Popcorn lungs

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It’s blooming lovely :yum::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thirty GBP but I think they to forty bucks over your side of the pond :grinning:

They say you shouldn’t use liquids that are stronger than 6mg nicotine in this type of sub ohm tank but I don’t know which type tank your using. I doubt ul need twelve mg nicotine you know, it’s quite easy to taper down :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve had this one about four months. I had the bigger one with removable battery for nearly two years. Seriously watch the videos on YouTube they drop them off small buildings and they still work

Are you still in the process of tapering down your alcohol intake donut, I’m asking out of interest not to give you grief about it, I’m just wondering how your getting on with it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Personally I feel generally healthier vaping. However the addiction aspect of it is so much more insidious in my experience. Given this is an addiction forum, my party pooper hat:

Mention of Juul and salt nics rustles me as one who took to vaping as an alternative nicotine habit. They came on the scene and did two things as I see it: 1) Popularized a new higher dosage fluid (salts), and 2) obscured the amount of nic being consumed daily.

Straight nic fluids used to deliver about 10-20 mg of nicotine per mL of fluid for typical high-concentration, low vapor production pods. Nic salts’ bragging point is roughly tripling that to as much as 30-60 mg of nicotine per mL of fluid with roughly the same “throat hit.”

There’s some fuzz here as not 100% will be absorbed. The typical vaper will burn through probably a few mL/day at least though, so…

What basis of comparison then? I look at a nic patch. Full strength patches deliver 28 mg/day, roughly a pack of smokes. Compare that to popping a few mL of high-strength pods or fluids all day long, no longer hindered by the stink or choke of smoke, and it’s easy to be taking well over triple the nic dose I had in my smoking days.

I don’t mean to start a debate or deter anyone coming from smokes. Just laying down some numbers.

Cuz I also feel generally healthier vaping. But the influence of Juul specifically on making it harder to find low- to no-dose fluid rankles me as a nicotine fiend who really wants to drop the anxiety-inducing stream.

Mixing one’s own might prove better as you can dilute it down. But watching the industry trend over the past few years, the default is going way in the other direction. The last shop I went to no longer sold any low-nic premixes.


I don’t and wouldn’t use Nic salts. They brought laws in in the UK that state if the liquid is sold in a container larger than 10ml then it has to have zero nicotine content so along with the typical: 100ml bottles I buy I also buy two ten ml nicotine shot bottles and once they are mixed in it is diluted to a strength of 3mg.i personally don’t vape any sooner than that.
It was commented above popcorn lung now I can’t speak for the us but I would imagine it’s the same bit again UK law does not allow liquids to be sold containing diacetyl which is what is known when inhaled in large amounts like in the old popcorn factories which is where it gets the name from so popcorn lung from vaping at least with regards to the UK is a complete and utter myth and non truth.
People do get in to some insane debates over it don’t they. I’m pretty aligned with your stance on vaping and I’ve had my lungs scanned due to fears caused by years of smoking noxious crack and heroin, the result of the scan was extremely positive and I, like you feel a heck of a lot healthier than I every did when smoking cigarettes :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

I know you don’t plan on seeing a doctor, but you should be very, very careful about mixing OTC sleeping meds and booze. Can you please at least look up on-line any possible interactions with booze and your sleeping meds. If they are dangerous maybe you could switch to something not so dangerous?


Yeah I remember reading the thread you created regarding the living situations you were in and had been in so I’m really happy that you are now in a more stable environment. Are all the other stresses you had going on calming down a bit now aswell.
The only reason I was asking about your drinking and I’m not trying to get on your back about it I just remember you saying around a week ago that your had gone down from fifteen shots to ten si I was just wondering where you were up to .
Now don’t get mad at me because you might not want to hear this bit but I’m only saying it out of genuine concern for you and your well-being but if you had been doing a medically based taper whilst liasing with a doctor or other medical professional then you wouldn’t be drinking still so in that sense I’d be real happy if you would consult your doctor assuming you do truly want to be sober (I’m not trying to suggest that you don’t btw) and you have had a fairly long and successful period of sobriety before this havn’t you, how did you do it that time.
I know a lot of members here advised you to see a doctor or healthcare professional, do you think that it’s maybe something you should look in to now. Only you know where you are up to with it but now your living situation had improved is it something you might look in to :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Echoing @Englishd’s comment. OTCs can be a risky mixture with drank…


I would also like to second English d,s suggestion because I have been brought back from the brink of death on two separate occasions resulting from taking sleeping type tablets along with a depressant. Granted the depressant I was using was heroin but it doesn’t make a difference because alcohol is a depressant. Different drugs like he had said can interact with eachother and mess you up real bad. We only say these things because we care :slightly_smiling_face:

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The only things I’ve heard that really work only ease some of the unavoidable withdrawal and recovery symptoms. Help with the healing part, as it were.

A good B-vitamin complex can help as soon as one’s off the drank. I’m not a doctor though and also hear mixed things about taking it while still actively drinking…

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What I took wasnt otc but that doesn’t mean you might not be playing Russian roulette without knowing it, different things interact with eachother in different ways. Ask the pharmacist whom your are buying them from but I can almost guarantee they will advise against taking anything like that along with alcohol :slightly_smiling_face:

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Perhaps something like peptobismol to help with any stomach acids or nausea, I think you deserve to knuckle down now and get yourself to where your want to be.
With regards to something I saw you post about pot and alcohol I could never mix the two as I would just go on a white one. That is an example of two drugs interacting with eachother in a bad/negative way and again pot is a Downer and alcohol a depressant :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

How long do you plan on tapering for? Have you stuck to that schedule? Do you have a back up plan if you can’t stick to your taper? I will say relying willpower alone generally is a bad idea. I mean all the willpower you have led you back to this point.


Yeah I know what your saying with regards to her drinking being bad and you havn’t got to that stage bit I’ll be honest with you, it is a dangerous way to think. It obviously got to the point where you know that you need to do drinking.
You see different people have a different rock bottom but read this statement in going to make regarding my smoking of heroin
I know that I shouldn’t smoke crack or heroin but find people that I know who take the and drugs, one person in particular he is homeless and constantly in and out of prison because he is living in such an instable manner that he can’t get on and successfully stay on an opiate/opioids maintenance progress like methadone or bupenorphrine so every morning he wakes up scared duties because he knows if he doesn’t get some money from somewhere, anywhere soon he is going to get very very sick (it literally scares you to death knowing you are not able to get a fix, the dear and anxiety is as bag of not worse than the sickness) so as soon as he wakes up he had to go and shop lift but he is shop lifting twice a day every day, he inevitably keeps getting caught and being sent to jail. That’s good story
Now this is my story- I work a minimum three days a week and for some reason my parents won’t kick me out, God knowsi deserve to have been locked out years ago, I don’t have to steal to get a fix, yes I’ve lost all my friends who are not addicts, I’ve sold most of my carpentry power tools but I can still take other jobs, I have beg arrested in the past but never jailed- that’s my story, now if I think I’ve a similar way to you in that your not as bad as that other girl and I’m not as bad as my homeless friend who Kris getting locked up. I know that if I keep smoking crack and heroin I will end up in as bad a place as my friend, I will end up homeless having to steal for a fix.
Now what would your day to be of I told you, it’s ok I can carry on taking smack and crack because I’m not as bad as my mate Brad- you would rightly tell me that I’m being stupid and if I carry on I’ll end up like that aswell.
That’s why it’s dangerous to think like that, just because I’m not that bad Doesn’t mean I sound carry on doing it.
It’s made worse because we have the brains of addicts and it will use that to reason with ourselves, like yeah your not that bad, there’s no harm in doing it… Do your see what I mean as where in coming from. You had to stop drinking for probation and because you had the choice of jail or no drink your didn’t drink. You know that you shouldn’t drink because your here using this forum.
I know that was a bit of an essay but I just wanted to show you how dangerous it is to think that way, I don’t want to be a bag head, you don’t want to drink, just because someone is worse than is doesn’t mean we are doing ok.
Do you understand what I mean :grinning:

I know that if I relied on my willpower I would probably drink the first time something went wrong in my life. I would be in the exact same situation as you. Thankfully I don’t have to worry about whether I’m strong enough to fight alcohol. I simply don’t get in the ring.

In the last 3 weeks I’ve gone through my son being born and not breathing, my fiance having a seizure and going to the ICU right after delivery. The doctors taking my son to the NICU without even getting to hold him. Many of sleepless nights. I have lived the definition of powerless. If I were still running on my willpower I’d be drunk for sure


My comments weren’t negative. Why did you think they were. I’m just saying it’s good to have a back up plan