Vivid Dreams Drinking and Using

Hello, I’m close to 11 months sober. Its been great with the ups and downs. One thing I continue to have are relapse dreams of drinking and doing coke. Its crazy because in my dream I know i relapsed! I wake up even feeling hungover sometimes. I can only attribute it to restless sleep. I hate feeling tired from it. Anyone experience this and maybe know how long it lasts? Thank you all and happy to be here.


I experience this all the time. Right now I’m 9 months and a week sober and I’ve had those dreams since probably 4 or 5 months sober. In my experience it’s been the same. I have to take drug tests every week and my dream is so vivid that in the dream I’m like, crap! I can’t believe that just happened now I’m screwed! But then I wake up and I’m like thank God that was a dream. It’ll probably never get any easier but learning how to cope with it will be.


Welcome Juan - great community to be a part of.
Well done on your 11 months sober. Sorry you are experiencing the relapse dreams - these are very normal and it varies for each person on how long they last but do know that it won’t last forever. The phantom hangovers also suck. Do know your body is in recovery and be gentle with the process.


Check out some of the below threads
Relapse dreams anyone?
Relapse dreams and coping

Wishing you the best on your recovery! Beating multiple addictions together is amazing - keep strong!


I have those dreams quite often. I’m not sure how long they last. I’m assuming it probably can differ. I’m too always so thankful when I wake up to know that I have not just wrecked my life again. My Dr actually put me on medication for nightmares because I struggle with chronic PTSD. Now my dreams are still awful but are in slow motion lol But on the bright side I can almost reason with myself in my sleep and tell myself it’s just a dream and I’ll usually wake up soon after.


I have those kinds of dreams frequently. In my last one, I was debating taking a drink because I was around strangers and none of them knew about my alcoholism I ended up going with a virgin drink in the dream, so that a positive twist lol
I hope your dreams get better for you!


I don’t remember how to use the quote function but that made me LOL!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I hear ya. Been sober for over five years and I still have those dreams sometimes. They’re not pleasant but they are a part of me and my history.

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As long as you wake up sober ,the dreams will stop when this old guy dreams now im sober even when a young lady asked me if i want a drink i say ginger Ale please ( dont tell the wife lol) they will pass as your sobriety gets stronger wish you well


My first year i had the same dreams daily. It really worried me. Id wake up almost in a panic attack. I was told by a person with many years of sobriety that I should not worry unless I wake up and enjoyed the idea of using. Prayer/meditation and time made these dreams become less and less frequent for me. It gets better. Keep doing what you are doing!


Thank you all for the feedback! Still battling the surreal dreams but more sober time should help alleviate the harshness of them.

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