Was anyone ever able to successfully social drink again?

@ifs that’s really rude

I’m not sure if you thought @ifs was replying to you, but he was actually replying to what @Eke said.

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You’re right. @ifs my sincere apologies!


No worries :slight_smile:

I had this same conversation with my husband yesterday… I miss wine. I know in my heart I don’t think I’ll ever be able to drink normally again, and that actually makes me sad. Did I mention, I miss wine? :rofl: I think the focus should be on abstinence first and later worry about whether it could be an option. You may feel differently.


I was sober until my divorce. Then I drank for 22 years. Socially at first, then abusively, and finally alcoholicly.

Many times I tried to go back to moderation, and many times I failed. It is a progressive disease. Now, I am once again sober, and I do not want to ever drink again.


I miss it too. But IWNDWYT.

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I don’t know if I’ve already replied to this thread

My experience is no I won’t be able too, been there and tried it

The difference is now I don’t want to drink again. A person who is spiritually better and in a sane mind wouldn’t choose to drink anyway


OHH GOD NO!!! Not again not ever. There’s no such thing as social drinking, It’s a congregation of alcoholics.


Asking the question is answering it. Like so many here I tried and I failed and every time I failed it got worse as before. Never again. The good thing for me is that drinking has lost is appeal and allure too.


Exactly. :point_up:. I keep trying to drink socially and always end up smashed and in enormous pain. Doing damage control on my life. Its exhausting. I’m over it.


I went back out. At first it was fine. But it quickly got back to the same place I was before. It then progressed and could have cost me my life on several occasions.

I know I have one more relapse in me but I’m not sure I have another recovery. For that reason I’m not going to try again to drink like a normy.


I’ve tried many, many times but it never seems to work. To be honest I don’t like drinking if I have to restrict it. The only time I want to drink is when I can drink as much as I want and that’s when the trouble starts. I wake feeling anxious and depressed and need to drink again and soon it is 24/7. For me it just isn’t worth the risk and I would rather drink coke than have just two or three beers


I tried every imaginable remedy. Here are some of the methods I tried.
Drinking beer only. Limiting the number of drinks. Never drinking alone. Never drinking in the morning. Never having it in the house. Never drinking during business hours. Drinking only at parties. Switching from vodka to brandy. Agreeing to resign if ever drunk on the job. Taking a trip. Not taking a trip. Taking more physical exercise. Reading inspirational books. Going to health farms and sanitariums. Accepting voluntary commitment to asylums. I could increase the list ad infinitum.

(I may have missed a few😉)


I successfully drink coffee every day


I had a co-worker, he was working in a port in a transit zone and his job was to manifest the cargo and issue transit document for drivers coming off ferry’s before customs. So I was about to meet him for the first time and I asked my boss how would I recognise him in this quite large area as port’s are usually? He told me you can’t miss him. He is either drunk or has a black eye. Sure enough I saw this creepy guy yelling at the back of his lungs and as he turned around he lost his balance because he was pissed drunk fell on his arse and both his eyes were black.

He actually slowed down years later. He socially drinks at parties. I haven’t seen him drunk for years.

I guess he is the chosen one. :thinking:

I have seen many many men and women going down the road and they categorise 1. Dead 2. Drinking and sick 3. Sober

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If you define “successfully” at one or two times out of every ten attempts, then yes, I could drink successfully socially.

It was the other 80-90% of the time that I failed bigley.


I got sober about seven years ago. Had kombucha (0.5% alcohol) one day a few months ago and was immediately thinking about how to get more of it. Bought more bottles. Rationalized they were healthy and they weren’t even alcoholic actually because kids could buy them easy. Drank them and realized I was going down a slippery slope.

So no, I cannot drink socially. I cannot use alcohol in any form except topically such as in hand sanitizer.
I cite medication as the reason I do not drink alcohol when pressured.

I opt for mocktails, fancy sodas, juices, and zero alcohol flavored beer.

It helps that my immediate family are teetotalers and all sober, too.


I sure tried lots of times. I can only speak for myself, and that is a big old no for me. Lord knows I tried. I’m a little slow, tried for about 35 years. I think I finally got the memo.


What’s that mean?
“I Will Not Drink With You Today”?

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